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    My parents were 19 and 20 respectively and my dad already had a two year old. So no. I wasn’t planned. Don’t care.

    No they don't. But judging from that comment, you might.

    It is exceptional, isn't it?

    Ohio is starting to becoming a true red state and for that I'm grateful I got the hell out.

    All of this. 100 times over.

    I'm a millennial who thinks gay sex is fine. abortion is a woman's choice, causal sex is something that usually happens for everyone who isn't married by 30 and teens having sex is par for the course.

    Yes he did. I remember it. He wasn't this bastion of late night comedy.

    Makes sense.

    Man, I don't know. Scientology seems like the ultimate cult. I know to some, most religion is some form of a cult. But this goes beyond anything I've ever seen. Xenu? Like... For real? Lol. At least Joseph Smith of the Mormon faith went into the woods and got "revelation" (which is bullshit too). Scientology is just

    Ciara looks exactly the same...minus the teeth. She used to have really uneven teeth and has had them fixed. That is the ONLY difference I see in her look. Face is the same, makeup is different but nothing to indicate she's had anything done. Also, she's older and looks more mature if that's what you're hinting at.

    This was my takeaway as well!

    My bet is on that. 100%

    This is my experience. I hate this shit. I go through the stupid scanner so you don't have to put your gotdamn hands on me. Fuck out of here. The last time I flew and went through TSA I had had it. I asked the lady, "do you search everyone's hair or just the ones with texture like mine?" She gave me some spiel about

    Yep. But, marry? Not likely. And only if he can get her money, which I'm sure Kris would tie up in a prenup. However, it's Cali and you can easily get half if you stick it out. 10 years is a long time and he's a fuck boy so that won't happen.

    Yeah. I just know the type. He might marry her and try to take her money. But it won't be for love.

    He's not interested in marrying her. At all. That might be a part of her plan but it certainly isn't a part of his.

    Story time!

    No. Kylie is just too young, naive and somewhat stupid to realize what he did was NOTHING to brag about.

    HOLLERING!!!!! "She came out and babysat Blue Ivy while I WORKED. " I know it was meant to be just a regular kudos, but seriously....LMAO

    Oh Kylie...it goes how it comes. She's about to learn a hard lesson about "love" and relationships a bit too early in life. And the craziest part is she shouldn't and DOESN'T have to. If she had some fucking parental guidance, she might have avoided the shit-show that is imminent. That being said, she'll undoubtedly