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    I'm not sure where you're getting your statements from but you can absolutely have abs and be "jacked" without steroids. Many people do it. Many of those people take supplements like whey protein and stuff, sure. But, they absolutely build muscle through lifting and diet...without taking steroids.

    That is exactly what I came down here to say. I have the look of ANY blood, period or otherwise. Yes, I know blood is a fact of life, but I don't want to see it...ever. I look away when I have to have it drawn and I'm not partial to my own period blood.

    Her dad is a douche for those comments, hands-down.

    There are so many problems with this person's account of why this could NEVER happen (as it stands, it has happened already a few times in other countries, no?). I read initially because I thought it would be a legitimate defense of Uber from a driver's standpoint. This is just misogynistic bullshit though.

    I agree. And if they wanted to show off in the process, so be it. Fine by me. We have this cultural thing were we (collectively) seem to think that being fit and showing it off is somehow akin to slaughtering babies. If it's not your thing, I get it. But, the ridiculous amount of "fuck them/her/him" type posts when


    I was coming here to say the same thing. That store screams bad youth and we all could not help but beckon its call during our formative years. Lol.

    Dying at "let's kill him." Damn!

    True. If I were to do it, I'd ask for more to cover the debt and then some... but I'm an asshole clearly. Lol.

    I feel you. I read this article twice because I was sure I missed something. I feel like there's a whole 'nother side to this that was left out (not deliberate by the Jez author, just in general) and without it, NONE of the things reported here make any sense.

    Maybe I'm a cynic (hint...I am) but usually a ransom demand is more hefty, no? I'm not talking movie ransom of like $50 million or some BS like that. But, it's not usually some obscure number like $8,500 either. That will buy you a nice used car and pay someone's rent for a few months. #dassit

    Oh, ok.

    Katie Holmes ONLY gets $400K A MONTH??!?!?!?!???

    And seriously...plagiarism is not a "crime" per se outside of college or academia, but people get kicked out of school for it all the time. In the real world, I'm guessing it would be copyright infringement or something else. Point is...since when are criminal convictions THE ONLY THING that should be punishable by

    I read the title of this piece and literally said, "Wait....what?"

    Thank you for the info. I'd be happy to chat.

    I didn't mean for it to appear like only black americans can lay claim to the term. I just think African American to describe black people is inaccurate.

    Yes, but because she was biracial and "looked" more white but personally identified as black, she struggled when she was pigeon-holed to appear/act/identify more "white" to appeal to the masses for her debut. She was dating Tommy Mattola back then (who she eventually married) and a lot of her background singers back

    With the presence of the US military in the region, she's probably black and Japanese. I know we're all PC on Jez, but while our (black) "look" is the most associated with dark skinned Africans, EVERYONE is from Africa. Unless someone has recently immigrated from Africa to America, I use the term black to refer to

    Yeah, my friend was like "um...i'll give him 25 minutes cuz traffic" and I was thinking I might have crossed into crazy cat lady territory with my first Uber experience. lol