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    Somehow I knew you weren't joking.

    Deleted...major spoiler and you just started watching. Sorry.

    I really thought it was the job of one's agent to do what she did and is being punished for. I could be wrong though. But I thought their job was do make sure their client, the actor/actress, doesn't get screwed with ridiculous or unreasonable requests.

    I wholeheartedly agree with this. On some stuff you can take one for the team. However, for others? You have to speak up on principle alone. First class isn't the overarching issue. It's how can we get as much from you without giving you much in return. This is such a common theme in women's lives NO MATTER where you

    Exactly. I'd be more than happy with that arrangement.

    My theory is that he's her son. She knows. He doesn't.

    Actually, all the students are pretty "ugh" in terms of casting except the Hispanic chick (I don't know any of the students name offhand...they're that interesting) and the Black chick who was going to get married. She held her own against Lynn Whitfield. She has my respect. The gay dude is just okay. Everyone else

    I figured out it was him after Annalise had him do ole boy dirty by planting evidence on him and having him locked up for Sam's murder. Before then, I kinda thought it was Bonnie because she stayed a little too low key for my tastes all season. Last night when Frank's ex, the student (I don't know any of their names),

    I'm convinced that Chevy Cavaliers, Dodge Neons, and Reliants go the Pennsylvania to die. There and NE Ohio.

    Hollering with a laughter right now. Lol

    My first real job made us new recruits all do video taped training sessions. The thing is you would have to watch them with the trainer and other senior person and they'd critique it. Like, pause it and everything. "Riiight...here. Pause it. Okay, why did you do/say/look this way when this was happening?" It was the

    My sister's husband is awesome with her boys from a previous relationship. They call him dad and he's pretty much came in like a champ for them both. He didn't do anything like this at their wedding but he did make sure that him and the boys wore matching suits at the ceremony and the oldest was his best man.

    Yeah, I read it as "chucking" and not "chunking" so I was wrong on that.

    It's not chunking. Lol. I'm wrong about that. But "chucking" the deuces means throwing the peace sign pretty much every where I've lived, although I do think most people who say it are from the south. (again, could be wrong here). Lol

    I'm dying. I read it as "chucking" and not "chunking" so yeah, I was dead wrong. lol.

    It means throwing up the peace sign as well so her usage is accurate.

    They could afford to but didn't. We were military growing up so they had extra income, but they never tried to make our house look nice. Like...ever. We had my grandparents already raggedy furniture until I was like 14 and they finally broke down and bought a new set. What they'd typically do was buy cheap stuff and

    Honestly, a lot of what is considered middle class in the US is working class. We just have an obsession with appearance and people with no money in the bank, no assets and who are just a paycheck away from homelessness really self qualify as "middle class." I really think our middle class is much smaller than we'd

    My parents never cared about fashion, decorating, appearance (beyond how we all looked/were groomed), none of it. So EVERYTHING I do and have when it comes to that is of my own learning curve. When I got home and see that my parents still don't put effort into how well things match or how well things are put together

    Yes and no. Where I live everyone braids/twists so I can get it done for less than someone getting a color treatment. But it does take a long time. My last set took nine hours but looked amazing. I'd post a pic but I have enemies on this site. LOL (I'm joking...I think)