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    Cannot. Stop. Laughing. LOL

    She did. That's the thing. I don't know how she did it but she did know that line and did not cross. Plus she was a comedianne so people sort of expected her to be a bit over the top. To know people want to rag on Kelly, but overall she seems to be the ONLY one who realizes that NONE of them are Joan and cannot pull

    Right! I love him!

    It is a very funny show. Lol.

    I do not have the energy to debate that here. Inevitably I would end up trying to track down a rogue commenter on some "meet me in Temecula" type shit. Just. No.

    It's not wrong and I didn't mean to imply that it was. Other-ing is wrong. That's what we experience on a regular basis. If you've felt that as well, I don't discount that experience at all.

    Not creepy at all. It's just when folks go to touch and then get wide-eyed when it's not what they expected. I'm sure you're good.

    It's from the show The Game.

    Ah. Thank you for pointing that out. I'll keep that in mind when I see another instance of that in print.

    Ahhhh, pet peeve. I HATE when people refer to President Obama as MR. It's sooo disrespectful. I'm sure you probably got that post from another site so I'm not saying you did that intentionally. I just realize that it's a way for people to shade the President and not give him the full respect due of his position.

    I explained this in another comment. The "oh...it's soft" look or comment is what bothers the shit out of me. I get people's curiosity, but I really don't understand why people think our hair is HARD. If someone doesn't take care of their hair or moisturize it regularly, then it can feel brittle. But, that's the same

    Yes, I'm sure it's annoying. The difference is the "othering" that black people get, especially regarding our hair. Someone with hair texture similar to your own may admire your curls if their hair is straighter. They may admire the thickness of your hair versus their fine hair. However, when some people go to touch

    Asking questions is fine. But, what's not is asking those questions WHILE you hand is already in my hair. That's when it crosses into "WTF" territory.

    Unless it's a family member (and even then, only certain family members) if someone asks me to borrow or use my comb or brush, I just let them have it. I hate sharing that sort of stuff and no amount of washing is going to allow me to use it again.

    More than that. It's jarring as hell. I wasn't even facing her direction and my back was turned. What she did SCARED me. She's lucky I didn't swing around and push her away from me or jerk away and cause her to stumble (the way she was standing, if I had jerked, she would have tipped backward and stumbled to some

    Yes. Very real. Just two weeks ago this woman came up to me when I had my twists and she put her hands in my hair and ran her fingers though it. She was like "it's so amazing...I love it so much." Like, okay. Thanks. But, 1) don't touch me and 2) I appreciate the compliments but no. Just. No. There is no need to touch

    I can't stand it. smh

    This is my best guess as well. That's what I'd do.

    In places where it's windy and you have to be outside (waiting on a bus or whatever other reason), I recommend using vaseline on your face as a barrier to take the sting out of the windy cold air on your face. My dad made us do it when we lived in Germany and had to wait for the bus. My and my sis were known as the

    I got irritated for her just watching a few seconds of that. For the love of God why didn't the person filming tell the little boy to stop? Ugh!