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    Agreed. I think the issue is that people aren't really telling boys not to rape because they don't think there is a need to. They just think "well, he knows not to rape." We acknowledge that we live in a rape culture, but don't really educate our boys on how certain perceptions can contribute to that. I was explicitly

    I was watching Fresh Off the Boat a few days ago and the dad had to have "the talk" with the son. The dad comes into the kitchen all happy that he handled it and the moms goes, "did you tell him not to date rape?" And the dad just stood there for a second and then went back. Later the mom came in the son's room and

    Addendum 497 of the manual says not to date so...that covers that.

    I actually think Jamal does have that talent but it's somewhat buried. I think with is mother back coaxing his talent out and his struggle over whether or not to be "out", we'll see his talent drawn out more in the coming eppys (at least I hope).

    Alright, I'm done. Y'all got it.

    I honestly don't see how saying, "she looks unhealthy" or "I think she's unhealthy" is the same as judging her. I'm not a doctor. However, it's clear that she looks like she's struggling with her body image and her health is suffering for it. I don't know if that's not coming across in what I'm saying, but honestly,

    You can kiss my ass.

    Sorry you went through that. I really have no other idea how one addresses an issue without addressing the issue. Suggestions?

    Maybe in your world pointing out the obvious is a form of "not helping" however where I'm from that's called accepting what is. She not healthy. Full stop. I'm not going to stop short of pointing out the obvious because the PC police tell me it's wrong. I said I'm not a doctor. Another full stop. But, I'm not blind.

    Exactly. It's as if saying "yo...she doesn't look healthy" is some assertion to the body shaming police that we're judging her worth based on her look. I'm not and I don't think anyone saying the same thing is either. We're saying, "she looks unhealthy people...let's not turn a blind eye to what is clearly happening

    Nah. I commented above. This woman is CLEARLY starving herself and to comment on it is not body shaming. She needs helps and that needs to be pointed out. Not in a "ugh, she's so skinny, eat a sandwich bitch" type way. But, from a place of "no really...she probably needs help" sort of way. Because over the years we've

    I thought it was Kathie who said "and weed", to which Guiliana added that comment. I could be wrong but that's what I saw.

    See...to me, anything along these lines is body shaming, "ugh...she's so fat/skinny and (as a result) ugly/undesirable/stupid."

    The most functional happy couple I know had being doing therapy from day one also. I think it's a great idea. And I love Dax and Kristen.

    I thought she couldn't carry a child to term, which is why they went with the surrogate. Are you saying she didn't want to gain weight and that's why they decided to go that route? As much as I hate Guilana Rancic and think she look utterly disgusting and needs to be hospitalized for a severe eating disorder NOW, I do

    I can see this. One party starts out doing something they've never discussed with their partner and the initiating person is either too 1) inexperienced in proper sexual communication or 2) stupid to think to ask. If the person genuinely thought, "he or she will be into this," and the other person says "no, stop,

    If they did, there'd be a lot more people trying to hit helicopters with motorcycles and such.

    I amended my statement.

    Yeah, I'm not going to read the books. I tried and they are poorly written. Plus the subject matter does nothing for me. I'll check out the articles though.

    Oh NO! I had no idea. I amend...