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    He definitely did not get that idea from the movie. He wanted to do it, knew he was wrong and raped that girl because that's something HE wanted to do. This man can't use the legal defense, "oh, I saw this and wanted to try it...but you know...didn't want my partner to consent at all cuz that's how the book laid it

    AWESOMENESS! Lol, Love that gif!

    Yeah, he does have an older look and always has. I thought he was in his 40s when he first hit the scene so...

    We can't share though? #sharingiscaring :)

    You can just be a decent person and that alone would take care of the "glad they're not hurt" sentiment. I'm not a K-family stan. I think Kim has the personality of beige paint and the rest of them are equally as bland. But, being a decent human, I don't wish death on them for their crime of being boring yet

    I am CYRING at this gif! LMAO! Legit tears I'm laughing so hard.

    It's weird because he's one of the least offensively offensive actors but I hate him with the power of 1000 suns because he's just so...ugh! I imagine JB is the real life version of Ross from Friends.

    YES!!!!!!! I hated him and the best friend. HATED THEM. So glad they are gone.

    NO! I say don't do headphones because if this man is following her, he might harm her and she needs to be alert. Don't ever do headphones in situations where you don't feel safe and need to stay aware of your surroundings.

    All of it!

    I used to travel for work as well. Honestly, the best thing for her to do is to go to a restaurant and sit at the bar. This works in two ways. 1) People at the bar are usually looking to talk, even if they aren't there by themselves, and don't mind talking to strangers; and 2) the bartender is usually good for banter

    When I was online if someone came at me in that manner, I'd completely break down all the ways why I, and more than likely any woman, wouldn't find that line of fuckery enticing. Then I'd block. Nothing like some departing words to hopefully help a dumbass not jack up his chances moving forward.

    This has to be the GREATEST Tinder story ever. Bravo!

    We'll just have to agree to disagree. Kanye is awful.

    If it were just the Amber comments, I still wouldn't like it but whatever. I don't like when men (or women) date someone and then turn around and get all high and mighty/judgey about them because, no matter what, you picked them. However, this entire interview and singlehandedly turned me from a fan of (what I thought

    It's not about "feeling badly" for her. It's about Kanye being a douche. I know the history of the feud and why Amber said what she said. However, that has little to do with what he said. He put his ex on blast, calling her a whore, when it's pretty much known that HE cheated on said whore with current wife. So he can

    Yeah...No. I'm black and I've heard this (valid) argument used in invalid ways. Using it in this instance is definitely invalid. This dude called out his ex girlfriend who HE cheated on a whore and then went on to joke about statutory rape. Sorry. This isn't a "we don't want the black man to speak the truth" type

    The more Kanye talks, the more he bitch-fies himself. Him saying that he wanted to date Kim and then settled for Amber Rose is what it is. But, enough with men who choose to be with a "certain type" of woman (their words or how they allude to it) and then dog her rep after the fact. Like dude...stfu with that

    My face when I read that...

    Yes. I have thought this since the beginning. Like there is some backstory and I kinda feel like they both know it but haven't broached the subject yet.