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    He probably got that idea from the Dream Defenders website or Facebook page. They have been VOCAL about bulletproof vests for kids when all that fuckery happened last year with Mike Brown, Garner, Trayvon Martin, etc.


    That is a spot-on definition of how I imagine Terrance Howard to be. Like, dead on.

    I understand your point. There are many missing pieces to this story. I just don't 100% agree that he wasn't predatory. I really just think he was. But, happy to agree to disagree :)

    a deep-seeded mistrust grown out of pettiness.

    Thank you. It was Underwood

    You raise some good questions. My entire issue with it is that she sought him out as a FATHER, not lover. He was instantly attracted to her. She wasn't attracted to him sexually at all, according to her, upon first meeting. Instead of quelling his attraction to her, he choose to do things that might lead her to have

    I'd mind less if she were actually good. She's ok, not bad but not good either. Other than the Color Purple, I don't know that I've seen her do anything where I'm not like "oh...that's Oprah in the movie."

    To be honest, I've never heard that before. I'd have to go back and read some press from that time. I do know that other black women comedians who aren't in her inner circle have said she's not always nice, but I figured it was because they had some personal beef. The chick from the Talk (sorry can't remember her

    That is the perfect description of that movie. However, if people familiarized themselves with the book beforehand, they would have seen it coming. The movie was less harsh than the book, in my opinion. I tried reading it before seeing the movie and after a few chapters I was overcome with "NOPE" and had to let that

    I get office and industry politics. But, barring her being a raging bitch who could not be worked with or reasoned with on any level on set, I cannot imagine why she couldn't be in any of the aforementioned roles.

    That is some bullshit.

    But if you're practice polyamory (?) correctly, the lying aspect is taken off the table so I'd think it's easier that way. At least, that's my assumption.

    I had a bell curve of my own. Steady relationship with one person in late teens/early twenties, then I cheated (I know, I know), broke that off and pretty much did what (and who) I wanted to for like 5 years. Turns out, I'm not really the promiscuous ONS type as much as I am the short term, fling type. I settled back

    If I were a celeb I would not be on Twitter. Shit, I'm a normal person and while I have an account, I never go on it. It's a stupid forum. Sometimes it can be fun and it was VERY informative around the Darren Wilson, Missouri protests last year because as the "real media" was giving false accounts of the protests,

    I hollered when I read that. Lol. I could see the entire scene going down in my head and I need it to be written into some movie so I can properly see it executed on the big screen.

    I agree. I does seem odd.

    I was 7 and he was 14. I thought it was 4 cuz that was the last time I was in my hometown on a more regular basis. But, I re-read that and thought, "did my mom really send my 11 year old uncle down a flight of stairs?" Lol.

    I just honestly think that his expression of that was not just a mere utterance as it was a tool to manipulate her feelings for him. She expressed that she wasn't initially attracted to him in that way. Since he was and he is her father, I'd say he was more charged with managing his own feelings and not pursuing the

    If you fill in your eyebrows with a pencil or shadow, just get a shade lighter than your brow color, fill it in and blend. If it's a tad too light in that area or lacking after you do that, take a darker color to that area and brush it out.