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    I thought that was a great way to frame it as well.

    I don't know who the male athlete is though. I'd say at one point in time it could have been Dwight Howard (who is a trashy human being, as far as I'm concerned) but I don't know if he's made any mentions about the movie and he's not married.

    I get that.

    I'm sorry that happened to you.

    Nah. I'm from a small town and related to many of the residents there however I did not grow up among them to know them all. When I moved back at 16, there was this boy I thought was so attractive. I was crushing on him hard. I mentioned his name in passing one day and my mother was like "oh, such and such...that's

    The fact that he told her he wanted her sexually the FIRST moment he saw her is all kinds of fucked up. It speaks volumes about the type of person he is and how he operates, which is manipulative. She hit the nail on the head when she identified that later. This whole piece really just got to me because I could

    Ah...that definitely makes sense and I could see her feeling that way. It's interesting that in the brief situation her mother had with her bio dad that she still managed to choose someone so terrible as well. It makes me wonder...like, if you're just in a bad stage of life, will everyone you attract, no matter how

    Oh definitely. This essay was so much more "real" (at least to me) than that other one where the lady was going to marry her bio dad after meeting him as an adult. I don't know in what world people are like, "oh...you're marrying your dad? That's what's up!" That is how she made that entire situation sound and I

    I don't think her mother was all that bad though. Well, if she was, it wasn't detailed here. She just choose bad partners, which makes her flawed, but not a terrible mother. From the author's account, she seems to paint her mother with at least a neutral paintbrush.

    Your dad told you later on that he wanted you, sexually, the moment he saw you.

    As it is a thing with a lot of people, both famous and non.

    I seriously stared at that line and thought, "the scuzzy dude who trolls IG and sometimes acts is ALSO an interviewer?" What is life?!

    I used to still talk to his son regularly when we first broke up, but my ex started using him as a reason to see me and try to push the "let's get back together" agenda. His ex wife had straight up left him and their son and pretty much stayed out of their lives. I didn't want his son to think that all people do that

    A while back someone on Twitter who *allegedly* went to school with her and competed against her in various meets throughout college kinda went in on this. As much as I cannot stand LJones, I thought it was more gossip than anything else.

    He used to be attractive though...

    It's rumored that she's not actually a virgin, of course. I have no idea where that rumor got started but it involves her college days and LSU football players. So...there's that.

    Oh YAY! That's so awesome. I had a super stressful day so to read this is just so right on time. Thanks so much! :) I'm genuinely smiling right now!

    My ex popped the question after I had already broken up with him for (among other things) his lack of commitment. I had full on moved out and it had been a month since our breakup, but I was over because I still had a key to his apt as I was helping him raise his son. I told him I'd give him some time to make solid

    I was just thinking this. He seems like the type to be handsy in a genuine way (i.e. not creepy) and they probably know each other and she's okay with it. He also seems like that type to NOT do it if someone was like "hey...I'm not cool with that, can you not do it?"

    The new him?! In a heartbeat. I LOVE everything about that look. The stubble. The hair. That body. I'm here for it all.