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    The more he talks, the more he sounds like he hates himself and black culture as a whole. Except his version of "black culture" is some alternate universe where women and men who hang out are obviously smashing...so by that definition I hate black culture too. And I hate Tyga as well, so...we have that in common.

    Anything that comes from TMZ is suspect as hell lately and it's precisely because they have openly gone on the take from that family (I refuse to type their names, ever). As Harvey is an attorney, they used to be credible but lately it's kinda went to hell.

    This has to be the most succinct comment of the day on this. Just...yes. In every way. Yes!

    Why should she not have answered? Almost daily on Jez we talk about how we want people to better address how we can teach our kids about consent and eliminate rape culture, predatory behavior, etc. But when a "less than perfect" person says something about an obviously predatory relationship, it becomes about HER

    Um...you're not terrible but I think you're wrong.

    I knew of two guys who would lie about their age to pick up teenaged girls. They were 25 and 26 respectively. I knew they were older because we lived in a small town and everyone knew everyone and sure enough, someone I knew, knew them. Anyway, one of them asked for my number when I was 16 and I told him no. He kept

    Please say this louder! His life experience is vastly advanced and it is totally not okay for him to be dating a now 17 year old (reports have them as dating when she was 16 also). I don't care who points it out. The messenger aside, the message remains the same. It's totally disgusting for a grown ass man to

    I tried on a pair of Levi's when I was around 13. Apparently my burgeoning ass was not having it. I've never tried on a pair since.

    Right, public nudity is an arrestable (?) offense. I wonder if he wasn't naked, would they still have arrested him.

    This description is EVERYTHING!

    I'm team Strippers are People Too® so I don't mind that they get love, have high profile relationships, get married, etc. And I think the culture has shifted when southern rap started getting popular and mainstream. A little known fact is one of the main ways singles or artists in the south used to gain a following

    :/ I mean....yeah, that's no good. So I see your point.

    Tyga is a scumbag, but I honestly have never heard anyone say a bad word about A$AP Rocky so I'm not totally on board with the comment you made (not that you need me to be. Lol). Neither of them are my type physically (which is why I said she doesn't have good taste in men) but I've never heard anything bad about AR

    Dead serious. Lol. Not sure if your comment was made in jest or not, but yes, both of them used to be strippers.

    I think you and my older sister should hash this out ;)

    I feel like you missed the entire point of what she said. Yes, Kylie is a baby - that's the issue and it highlights how much of a fucked up situation that it is on TYGA'S part. She never said anything about Kylie other than her age. Seeing as her age is relevant in the situation, I get why she said it. But, she never

    I'm going to go on and say that she has horrible taste in men. Lol

    Nope, it was A$AP Rocky who dated Chanel Iman. Unless there are reports of this actually happening, I think you might be confusing the two.

    No, she wasn't commenting on the on on the far left, she was commenting on her sister, who is not pictured here.

    And this is why I think her and Kanye never had a chance of making it. For as real as he tries to be, AR is just genuinely real. Whereas Kim is the type to let a sex tape "leak", AR would just do the damn thing and release it as a gift to the world. I don't feel like Kanye wanted that (well, obviously), but prefers