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    That stream of consciousness is exactly how I respond when people ask me what I'm thinking. Lol. Well, not exactly because I have different thoughts, but it's very close to combination of randomness.

    I skimmed the end because I was at wrapping up a work, but I just re-read and yeah. This dude is a douche and basically wrote this to explain away his inability to be fucking honest.

    My friend lies all the time in general and especially to her man. And honestly, I think their relationship is doomed because of it. She lies about the smallest of things and does stuff that she KNOWS is questionable. Recently something questionable she did came to light and instead of being honest about it, she called

    I got as far as the therapy based in all things sexuality before I was all..."huh?"

    Honestly, I have never heard her music but I promise I'm a bit geeked for the response from the rap/hip-hop community over this. Sex sells and while many female rap artists have played their sex appeal up in the context of their music and image, very few of them have done Playboy outright. So... #yourmoveladies :) Lol

    I mean...y'all! Lol. I get that we all want to be "tolerant" or "open minded" but some shit it just full on NO. Everything about this story, from the beginning with him being taken to a sexual therapist as a child after a "difficult birth" (which I'd venture to say did not traumatize him to that extent that he needed

    I know right?! It the stupid marathons they have on. lol. I get sucked in and by the time I look up, I've watched 8 hours of Scorned, Deadly Women and all the other crap on there.

    I watch a lot of Snapped and ID channel (I love it...) and the young women usually don't stick it out that long if the money is the end game. If he indeed didn't require a pre-nup, then she's already gotten phase one of the plan down. Now she just needs a little longer, like 2 years at best, before she pulls the rug

    Yeah, I thought about that after and it would be another way that Johnny screwed his ex and their kids so no...not totally here for it.

    No. I agree with you. It matters, but it's not the determining factor on whether or not someone is racist. A racist/sexist person will hate the well-dressed minority, woman, LGBT person as well as the poorly dressed one.

    MLK Jr was all those things...and was STILL assassinated so..yeah. BS to that.

    And not once has there been a mounted attack on Christianity as the foundation of these men's actions, even though both hate groups you mentioned, KKK and Aryan nation, cite the Bible heavily in their "doctrine."

    I have a feeling his new wife Amber is about to give him a dose of his own medicine when it comes to how he did his most recent ex and mother of his kids.

    Love the gif! lol

    Lol. When a college campus is has more population than your hometown and you're related to around 40% of all the residents, you tend to think that 40K is very small. Also, we live near what I guess you'd call "real" small towns. Populations 835 and 1200.

    He sounds like a classic case of someone with NPD (narcissistic personality disorder). Everything is ALWAYS someone else's fault, even when they do "apologize" they find a way to down the person they are apologizing to and tout their "accomplishments," the incessant need to vocalize their actions so they can get

    OMG...thank you. I know the walk with the Lord is not an overnight thing, but at the very least, someone advising him might want to help him tackle that "get the beam out of your eye before you comment on the speck in someone else's" theory.

    People are aware that Jesus exists on the outside of prison, right? I mean, I know he said he didn't find our lord and savior JC because he went inside this time (having two other jail stints under his belt), but I doubt that.

    Um...I'm from the smallest of small town and I can assure you, sex shops exist there. Also, other towns over, also small in nature, have them too. And I'm talking towns of around 40K people at best.

    He needs someone firm, like a mother figure, to talk some g-ddamn sense into him. We get it. You don't like when Bey doesn't win. Fine. But, c'mon with this act man. It's very ridiculous. Beck was gracious at hell. I thought Kanye was doing something funny, for a change, but no...he was just being an ass. Again.