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    Right! As do many others. I'm so confused.

    Every. Time.

    I also do not know who she is. Haha! Thanks for not letting me feel like I'm the only one.

    I love that movie. Unashamed to say that :)

    I HATED that movie. After Eyes Wide Shut, I never thought I could feel so empty after watching a movie. Then I watched this. Awful.

    I always wonder wtf goes through people's minds when they attempt to arrange stuff like that. Like...even if I wanted to off someone (which I don't) I would not ask a co-worker unless we both ran in illegal circles (drug trafficking, illegal gun trade or any other illegal profession). I cannot imagine someone, let

    I never heard the term "dudebro" until I started reading Jez. They use it to refer to guys who are hyper alpha male types. Brody Jenner was sort of held up as the ultimate "dudebro" stereotype in a Jez piece last year. Think the guys of Jersey Shore, also.

    This made me laugh so it's all good :)

    I don't know when it started in the white dudebro community, but I know black men have been using it since at least 2005. I started noticing it a lot back then and wondering "is that just local slang (I was traveling a lot to Atlanta back then before I relocated there and that's when I first noticed it hardcore.)

    My uncle is a sheriff and I'll have to make a point to listen to him speak next time I'm around him to pick up on this. He might very well do it and I haven't noticed. I don't see him often enough to gauge, but now I'm sort of curious and will definitely watch out for that.

    Exactly! I have never heard that term used in everyday, colloquial language.

    I was blown away when I read that.

    I don't know that I have ever, outside of the context of science and research, heard a man refer to other men as "males." I'm seriously trying to recall a time I've actually heard that term used aloud and I can't. Not saying there aren't men who do this. Just saying I have yet to meet one. However, I've met plenty of

    LMAO...I'm at my desk dying laughing at this entire comment. So accurate, yet so funny.

    I never felt any way about the word "female" until I was on another blog and a guy chimed in an said that, in his experience, most of the men he knew that used it did so as a sort of substitute for the word bitch. He used a few sentences to illustrate:

    That's good to know. (genuine, no snark).

    I don't need a chorus of "she's right" to stand by my opinion and have no issue admitting when I am wrong/mistaken. First.

    Never said the piece was tonally centered around that one aspect. I said that as a result of reading that one aspect it skewed the tone FOR ME. And I also acknowledge later that I'm new to this facet of Jezebel and wasn't aware of the intent of the piece being an extension of the larger goal of Millihelen, which is

    Not sure. Because, as someone else pointed out, if you took someone with dark features to a place like Australia or Sweden, I'm not so sure that their look would be coveted in the same manner that the blonde hair/blue eyes look is.

    This isn't a critical think piece about beauty standards, it's a guide.