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    Okay, point taken. I don't hate the entirety of what the writer wrote but that line just bothered me so much. I know the author writing that wasn't a declaration of agreement, as much as it was, like you said, highlighting the experience of the subject at the time. I just find it incredibly sad that the Euro-centric

    Lol. Much of my family still lives in the Steel Valley, but I and many of my younger cousins left. First one to attend and graduate from college (Ohio State, woot-woot) and several of my cousins did the same. So yeah...we got the hell out of there and the younger ones who stayed have moved to better towns in the area.

    Never argued against it being a reality so not sure why you wrote that. And Euro-centric standards of beauty being THEE standard worldwide, particularly in areas where most people don't look like that, is an issue I have. You may not see that as an issue. I do.

    I'm actually from that area. I know it well.

    I want to love this piece but I just don't. I hate the tone of it and this especially:

    I thought I was tripping for a minute. Lol. Thank you for your addition.

    Noted. However, I am not intimately familiar with religious families of varying races. I just know black religious families because the churches I grew up in were primarily black. It wasn't until I was an adult that I diversified my spiritual experience.

    It's the most common example of religious black families (and probably any family) and how they deal with things. Not just my experience but ask around and you'll get the same or very similar answers. TO ME, it's the perfect example of how religious black families address critical issues.

    And if they aren't married, he should be able to have next-of-kin rights to make informed decisions for his daughter. I don't really see too much wrong with that (and you might not be implying that there is either, so I acknowledge that.)

    Here we go with that bullshit narrative again...

    Quintessential religious black family is what I should have typed. And it's that way because it just is. A lot of black people who make Christianity the center of their world don't pass along much else to their children/family members besides scripture and "pray and wait" as a way to deal with any real life issues.

    Whitney's brother introduced her to drugs and has said so in an interview with Sister 2 Sister magazine. So let's just all take that in before folks come in here with the "Bobby made her do it," part 2 narrative.

    This is the one thing I will never get on anyone for. There are so many reasons why someone may not read well, up to and including learning disability. While I cannot stand Mayweather, his reading skills don't contribute to my feelings toward him.

    I will never speak to my ex again. However, I used to make that point as well. You can't say "I'm 46-0" as a source of great achievement because you literally duck and run everyone who is at their peak. True greats in boxing aspired to fight the person on top to prove they deserved the title. Mayweather would rather

    Oh, he knew. He was just an abusive asshole too so he admired Mayweather in a sick way and tried hard to convince me that it extended to his "professionalism" for his craft only. My ex wasn't physically abusive but definitely was emotionally/mentally abusive so his love for Mayweather was totally a red flag that I

    Fuck 'em both :)

    Okay, I'm glad y'all are talking about this. Because when two people in a relationship are drinking and everything starts off fine because both parties are "conscious" (yet drunk as hell) and that wanes...well, I assume consent has been given. I would never turn to my partner the day after like "WHY didn't you know I

    Ugh Mayweather. Another awesome byproduct of me being single is not having to hear my ex basically come all over himself singing the praises of Mayweather's "work ethic" and "professionalism." Dude, I get it. He's a great boxer. He's also a wife/girlfriend/woman beater. That take precedent for me.

    Haha! No love. Sorry

    He and Kim started dating when Quincy was very little. I'm not sure if it was when Al B was away on that rape charge or what. But, for all intents and purposes he took him on as his own and while Al B has been around here and there, it's been Diddy who has financially and emotional supported him all his life. So