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    I think he's fuckable and I love his music. I posted that to shed more light on his hiatus.

    Lol, I LOVE, LOVE his music and that's what makes him extra sexy. He's definitely attractive, but it's the music that really gets me.

    He had a lot of issues regarding substance abuse during that time. He made mention of his image as well, but his ex and mother of his son, Angie Stone, has given interviews where she talked about how well they got along but what broke them up was his depression and drug/alcohol problems. So, while the sexualized image

    I would, unapologetically, fuck the shit out of this man. Kthanksbye.

    Poverty isn't the issue (to me), but poor decision making is. Who knows what circumstances led them to living in a motel room with their 2 and one on the way kids. However, the issue isn't that. It's why they had the handgun accessible to a child. Yes, it's not easy to secure something if all your belongings are in


    I really don't watch a lot of porn so outside of what's offered in sites like Pornhub or Youporn, I really have no clue about the actors and actresses in the movies. Shit, I LIVED with a porn actress for like six months and only found out because she told me and I happened to see her and her guy's pic in an online

    As long as they had the required credentials, I would not care. That also includes not judging.

    Thank you. If someone who worked in porn before came into my office to interview for a job, the odds that I'd "recognize" them would be slim to none. If I happened to think, "oh, she looks like an adult performer X" I STILL wouldn't say anything. As long as her credentials were legit and she fit the office dynamic,

    Porn is a job. It's a job that can be awful for women because of the continued stigma around women and sex and the treatment the industry is allowed to get away with as a result. I hope the culture does change so the industry changes for the better, especially for the performers.

    She is the poster child for a woman who likes to go out and fuck guys. She pretty much did a promo tour about this very thing when she was first promoting Single Ladies (back when she was on). So for her to say this BS is extremely hypocritical of her. Because, given her logic, if she has ever been raped it was her

    This is a woman who admitted fucks on first dates and apparently thinks it's not "immoral" because it usually results in marriage proposals (or actual marriages). She's been married three times and engaged six. I'm not joking. She is the definition of batshit crazy. She did interviews a few years back where she talked

    Agreed. I'm a 34 year old black woman and I STILL refer to my elders (of any race) as "Mr So-and so" or "Ms/Mrs. So-and so". I was taught it was respectful. If someone tells me that they don't want me to, then okay. But, I'm not walking up to someone who is clearly my elder like "hey firstname, how are you" because

    No, he's legit smart in a "critical" way. A way that not too many people 1) are, or 2) are willing to admit because they don't want the backlash. But, "smart" is not an overstatement about him, at all.

    The powers that be need to let Hunnam speak with his natural accent, whatever that is. I watched SOA and his "American" accent is AWFUL. I think if he were allowed to just have his accent like Jason Statum, his acting would be much better.

    Um...some of the first institutions of higher learning to admit women AND black people were located in the good ole heartland of which Huckabee speaks. (Oberlin College in Ohio is the first one that comes to mind). The union stronghold states were in the heartland too. I'm not sure where these conservative,

    I liked it a lot. Lol. I know a lot of others who did as well. It wasn't the WORST movie he could have made.

    I literally thought this exact thing when I saw this pic. Lol

    I just started watching The Fall and recognized dude as the 50 Shades dude and was THOROUGHLY confused. Like, WHY is HE in this movie? The money? Did he really like the character? Did he want a challenge/departure from his current role?

    It bothers me that people act as though celebs aren't HUMAN. As a society we expect perfection from them and it's totally ridiculous. I hate the way that people pile on someone in the public eye who is OBVIOUSLY going through shit. I always wished some of his friends/family would have convinced him to deal with his