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    See...see. I want to like it as an industry that definitely helps women to make more money than the average day job. However, unless and until more women start controlling more than their own careers but the careers of other stars and the marketing, branding, etc of others, there's always going to be a few "feel

    It's ridiculous. What's even more ridiculous is that if a white female performer is willing to do scenes with black men, unless she has a great agent or is in charge of her own career, she often will get paid less and have less chance of becoming a "starlet" as a result.

    Yes, they definitely have a "you need to buy what we're selling" type vibe about their relationship. Doesn't mean it's fake. Just means it's questionable. lol.

    I don't know though. I've known some people who were not the greatest when taken on a larger scale, but if they clicked with someone they were a normal person around that person. If that's the case, then them together makes sense. It seems like that's how she is. She seems genuine. But being genuine doesn't excuse you

    He is awesome, yet so, so boring (to me). She seems very up and down. Like, she seems like she would be fun if you were her friend. But, if you the one person in the circle of friends who didn't like her for whatever reason, she seems like she'd go out of her way to be mean to you and not just stay neutral like a

    I'd say start over and lock it down. However, because this person might be a friend on her page now, she could end up re-friending her/him anyway. That's the scary part.

    My cousin dis this when we were in high school. This was before myspace and facebook. We attended the same school so she'd do stuff like tell people that me and her were related, which we are, but she'd do a lot of stuff like talk shit about someone or be involved in less than honorable dealings and then tell people

    Agreed. Using pictures to create a fake profile? I've seen it happen. Replicating an ENTIRE community of people is "you need professional help and may shoot up a school if you don't get it" type crazy.

    Wait... She's a teen? Omg. Not for nothing but I thought she was at LEAST 25 at the youngest.

    It wasn't so much that she was natural and weave free, but her hair was always big. She ditched the shiny wigs and any with something more suited to her natural texture.

    Y'all can pass on Ryan. I'd be more than willing and happy to fuck him. Please and thanks!

    Jeremy Renner looks like his body is trying to rid itself of toxins all the time. Like he's excessively drying out from a perpetual bender.

    Oh, I've already dated younger. Lol. My past bf was 4 years younger and this current person I'm getting to know is 5 years my junior. I'll take it!

    And this is why I hate her. She can take to Twitter to compose 12+ tweets about the current state of journalism, but when criticized about her insensitive tweet regarding Ferguson, she could only muster a one tweet response, which was dismissive as shit.

    I get your point. I really do. But, there is a third option that (I think) is more conducive to justice and that's neutrality. Yes, I know it's hard to come by becasue most people want to say, "well, if not guilty, then innocent" and vice versa. However, if an investigator chooses not to operate from an assumption of

    As a soon to be 35 year old woman who mainly gets hit on by guys from about 23 to 32, (and then inexplicably jumps to like 50+ and older dudes), if I'm not married by 45, I'll definitely entertain a 27 year old man. Why the hell not? Because society says "old ladies" (usually meaning any woman over 30 in the minds of


    Thanks for the clarification.

    There are so many reasons to completely despise her ass and I can get behind all of them. Fuck Dunham, forever and ever. Amen.

    Yeah I definitely got that wrong. Thanks