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    Yeah, I only read/skimmed the synopsis here. Seems like there is a more detailed account of "events" but I'm at work and can't spend my time reading it at this moment. Other have mentioned the guy basically listed his income and hers and also alluded to the fact that his wife and SIL are "toddler" like in terms of

    I can't say for everyone, but my ex was one hell of a lying, gaslighting mutha-fucker and in the case of his cheating, I absolutely went through great lengths to get as much printable, documented evidence so he could NOT refute it or turn it around on me. In cases where someone is in an abusive situation, evidence can

    Lol, I can't help but read that sentence and think, "that shit sounds really redundant." How does one play with a penis if not for their hands? I mean, their mouth, sure, but then "played" wouldn't be the verb to describe what happened. Sucked would.

    Oh, okay. I'm not really tech savvy so some of this stuff is like "huh"? To me, if the story isn't true, the biggest indication of that is the sharing a phone, her phone, which contains all her cheating info on it. I've cheated and been cheated on. I've never been married though. Let me tell you...unless you

    As someone who went through a terrible, EXTREMELY drama-filled break up, complete with calling/texting EVERY woman in my ex's phone to leaving him legit stranded in another city as I texted the "other woman," I can assure you that dramatic shit definitely can and does happen all the time in relationships...esp when

    So I totally thought that the wife and SIL were having a lesbian affair with each other and I kept waiting for that reveal as I read through this. Then I realized that they were each cheating with someone else, not together, and well...the story got infinitely more "normal" and boring. lol.

    That slumber party sounds awful because Chili is the human equivalent of drying paint. Did you see her reality show a few years back? The ONLY reason it was watchable (and it really wasn't) was due to the relationship coach and the cast of "dates" they arranged for her. Otherwise....

    Yeah, I can't do TLC without Left Eye. While she wasn't THEE star, she was integral enough that her presence is sorely missed. Also, this is one of the few groups that, to me, had no breakout star. They all needed each other equally to be successful, despite what their "yes" people told them.

    I despise her persona (I can't say I don't like her as a person because despite what a celeb gives off publicly, it's still pretty much a persona imo) so if her hiring choices mean we will hear less about her, then I'm all for it.

    Does "punk rock" mean disgusting in that case? Cuz.... #no

    No. Her father is Italian and her mother is from Cape Verde.

    WHY the fuck won't Kinja let me delete the damn comment???


    I feel the same way about my mother. I felt that way about my father too until he sincerely apologized (after I refused to Susan to him for two years) and actively worked to make amends for his actions. My mother though? She's gonna ride that "I was the best mom ever" train until death I'm sure.

    I'm sorry, but i do not believe you. If your sisters kids cut her out of their life, there is a reason. Sure, you may not be privy to it, but there is a reason. Believe that.

    My deranged, naracisstic ex is stalking me via my friends. He claims to have no idea why I won't talk to him, have blocked him in every conceivable way humanly possible and have instructed his family on the horrors I endured while we were together (which they believe, to my relief).

    Mostly because you don't realize that he's too drunk until way after and then you're like..."dammit, I could have literally pinned this dude with my legs and then waited a few minutes (3 tops) until he went to sleep instead of fucking myself into vaginal rawness."

    No. Not always. My ex was a cocky muthafucker and he was a beast in bed. His ridiculous attitude was well earned. #memories #Ihatehimthough

    I remember that one. lol. Good times.

    I awoke from a nap in college to the Unsolved Mysteries theme song and I FREAKED OUT. My roommate at the time died laughing, not understanding the horror that was that theme song. Somehow it incorporated into a dream I was having at that time, which made it worse. When I got my own apt, I actually ended up blocking