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    One could only hope.

    Yeah. I get that. I'm just a realist and know that it can go either way and the SC hasn't always been on the right side of history.

    I'm well aware of that, which is why I said FOR BETTER OR WORSE, the Supreme Court is still the place where equal rights needs to be decided.

    Listen...it is about damn time! I'm all for voting and letting the people decide (well, up until a point but that's a longer discussion for another day). I've always said though, this is where this matter SHOULD be decided. Because let's be real...if we left it up to states and their constituents to dole out equal

    I hate them. Why? Mostly because they are UNSOLICITED from men I have no interest in. Like some guy I met at a conference and exchanged numbers because we used the same shuttle service to the airport. No conference dude, I don't want to see your dick. WTF.

    If I'm on probation and work at McDonald's, and someone commits and armed robbery, it would not make sense to revoke my probation for it.

    Me also

    This is the perfect stance on this. Like... Just. Yeah. No.

    So the moral of the story here, if the comments are any indication, is y'all hate gender reveals? Cuz I was all set to come in and say "awww" and leave it at that. But, then I read the comments and g-ddamn! Y'all know how to quell the fire out of something that's pretty innocent, and maybe somewhat annoying depending

    They are leaps and bounds better than Frutis (or however you spell it...in the green bottle with pinkish/orange lettering). My hair was like broom straw when I used it. I'll take HE over that crap any day.

    Nah, the ones I'm talking about aired in the late 90s and early 2000s (If I remember correctly). It was for Herbal Essence when they first launched the line (again, if I remember correctly). I will never forget the commercials though, that's for sure. Lol

    I've seen inappropriate behavior before and man...this is over-the-top.com. A former co-worker of mine wrote a declaration of love to an intern in a much similar fashion. It was creepy as fuck. When she polite declined him (thank goodness this was all in writing so she could take it to HR) he WENT BALLISTIC on her in

    Oh yeah. I agree that the reason why white people might feel uncomfortable watching a movie like Selma is probably much different than the reason why black people would feel that same discomfort. No arguments on that front.

    If she thought sexy time results would happen from this product, then I think Herbal Essence parent company would have had a class action lawsuit on their hands from many angry, yet shiny haired women pissed their styling products didn't give them the most mind-blowing orgasm ever. Sounds to me like the plaintiff is

    I get where you're coming from. But, I don't necessarily see it as white people won't support because they don't want to see him as a real person. I think it can be "I support him & what he stood for but movies like that make me uncomfortable." Cuz let's face it...movies like Selma aren't feel good movies. It depicts

    I don't know what you do for work or the reasons for your travels, but customs haven't been that bad in my experience. I usually just say "work trip" and they stamp me and move on with life. Although I do agree that since trips to Cuba have been notoriously sanctioned in the past, "work trip" may not suffice and ward

    Yeah, I think you can like and respect someone or a concept (freedom, equality, etc) and not want to see a movie that might move you in an emotional way in theaters. I'm black and I won't watch movies like Selma or 12 Years a Slave in theaters because I get really emotional and I'm not doing that in public. Ever. So

    I'm pretty sure that a beat down was in order. Maybe it's because I'm black and our hair is an issue dejour, but I would have beat the shit out of her. And my (fictitious) husband probably would have understood and been okay with said beatdown of his sister. I don't get why anyone would think that it's okay to cut

    I just want to get better with age like Regina King. She is awesome and wears her age very well. I'd say she looks better now than she did 20 years ago. Love her.

    Other than being a child bride to a man who is arguably inappropriate at best, what is Courtney's claim to fame? Her look? Does she model? I actually follow her on Twitter and when I do happen to log on and see anything from her, it's usually in reference to animal rights and I know that's not her claim to fame. So,