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    Right. She literally could have been trained to kill and that doesn't mean he isn't guilty of domestic violence because of her training. If that were the case, then no woman in the military (depending on job duty/classification) could ever file DV charges against her civilian, non-trained spouse.

    If you have ever Youtubed Bizzy Bone, you know the greatness that is that man. Lol. He is all types of unintentionally funny. My ex was a huge Bone Thugs fan (still...their fans are die hard) and he would randomly Google and Youtube videos of them and Bizzy Bone is comedy gold. Love him. Lol. I had no idea he had an

    I saw that eppy and I thought that shit was pretty badass too. Lol.

    Yeah. Louisiana is on a way more crazy level than Florida could ever hope to be.

    I think that's a little harsh though. Yes, BF can talk about herself in whatever terms she wants. I do see the other commenters point that BF's brand is all about being skinny. Not necessarily healthy, just thin. So commenting on just how thin BF looks isn't something that out of bounds given her brand and what is

    I'm not sure what this ruffle thing is here but I hate it. Every bit of it. I don't know what could have been in it's place (nothing, perhaps) but as is, it's not doing it for me.

    Man. No. Just no. Thank goodness that it's getting removed professionally or else she'd be fucked.

    No, no, no. Her ass is fake. Yes, people of all races have ass. She just isn't one of them. Period!

    My dad was the hot dad. It was awful. lol

    Lol, the fact that I'm confused on the OP's intent may suggests that it's not a read, but shade indeed.

    I mean...damn. Lol. That went full snark (unless I read it wrong...Kara, is this shade?) in no time flat.

    Okay, so let me clarify. One of my friends asked my dad out...in front of my mom and some of our other friends as a result of a dare.

    Agreed. I just think teens are notoriously not smart and self centered and it will manifest itself in various ways. This is just a really bad case of that and yes I get that it has undertones of male entitlement. I think instead of there being this idea that the boy did this stupid RT thing with the full knowledge of

    Um...as my dad was a "hot dad" to many of my friends, yes. I can definitely imagine that and more. Some of shit that was said to him about him was ridiculous, and one reason why I think this situation happens to be a case of stupid teens more than male entitlement. Like I said, I see why people think that. I just

    I do actually think this speaks more to the cluelessness of teens more so than male entitlement as well. I can see how it looks that way, but overall, teenagers are usually not known for their social savvy and etiquette, and instead are known for being extremely selfish and self-centered. This seems like an extreme

    I think everyone should present themselves well. And on those days where people are feeling extra cute/attractive, I get the urge to take a picture. Do that shit! That's not what I'm talking about. I'm talking about men who take shirtless pictures in their bathroom on a routine basis and post a pic almost daily like

    Yeah. He was in there for a legit half hour and then when we went to his friend's place for Thanksgiving last year, he was in their bathroom for over 20 minutes doing the same thing. He had a major issue.

    Legit question. What is wrong with Bobby Flay? I feel like I'm missing something. Is he a douche? Cheater? Fraud? I'm lost...

    I read the OP's comment and thought I was missing something. Thirst, as it's used here, has been a thing for at least four solid years now.

    That line made me holler. Lol. Love it.