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    Thank you! I'm pretty sure she was the headliner.

    If a shiny forehead is an indicator of having work done, then I'm guilty as hell.

    That is a perfect description of that song. Lol.

    The Burning Bed

    I wasn't ready....

    I came here to say the same thing. He's been openly vegan for years and if anyone has ever watched Hollywood Exes, his ex-wife Mayte talked about when she had their child, who later died. She was vegan as well and she said the doctors attributed the child's death to the vegan diet and lack of protein to sustain

    Agreed. I'd say this extends to both men and women who are unhinged. It's not the rejection itself, but the deep issues they have as a result of their faulty identity. For people like this, a lot of times they perceive their SO mentally as an extension of themselves and they see them only in the context of their lives

    I think the issue is that we (society in general) default to thinking that we're all good intentioned folks. Some people are just...not. Not saying that he should have taken that into account at all. Just saying that people are seriously fucked up.

    There is a quote on IG that says "the men who get your pussy the wettest are the least good for you." I'm wondering if, in her research, she f0und that to be true. lol

    In the five years I was with my ex, I estimate the total number of women he cheated on me to be upwards of 100. So I totally feel you if y'all were married for a long time. I hope you divorced his/her ass.

    They are wild! lol. Tidbit #3...my dad just had another baby with a 35 year old woman. His oldest child is 37 and I'm 34. So...yeah. And he STILL is kicking it with his ex that he did dirty for the 35 year old. And he invites her to family gatherings and whatnot...and she COMES and hangs out with his mainstay. The

    Agreed. Like I said, I know someone who this happened to and they really worked hard t build a solid relationship in the wake of their abusive incident.

    I don't disagree that folks can change, even in abusive situations. I do think the groundwork has to be laid for that to happen though. Their brand of "this isn't an abusive relationship" is what is making me think they won't get there. Everyone that we've seen from her camp so far is really delusional and helping aid

    And that's fine. However, people have to be honest enough to call a spade a spade. Her family won't do it. She won't do it. He sure as hell won't do it. So for them to change is unlikely because they aren't admitting there's an issue at all. They are confining this incident to a "one time deal" when I'd bet my salary

    This is how I know he's hit her before. Under the influence I can see being so angry that you just lose your shit. I get that. And, I actually know someone who did this. But, their reaction to doing so was so different than what his was. My friend called me, crying...I was barely able to understand what she was

    Thank you. Thank you. Thank you! This (her response) has a level of denial that is more complicated than just "he loves me." She doesn't see herself a easily manipulated, controlled or a "push-over" and that definitely contributes to her level of denial. Add into it that domestic violence doesn't happen to "strong

    Right. Like, how is this mortifying? Maybe it's because I don't plan to tone down my sexy time even when I have kids (dated a man with sole custody of his son, definitely didn't curb my sexy-time antics). But, she didn't even see anything.

    I never said I doubted his claims. Where the hell did I ever say that in any of my comments? Maybe you have me confused but I didn't say he wasn't violated or raped. I said I didn't get why he didn't break character, not as a way to say that because he didn't, his claims aren't valid. I just legitimately didn't

    Yeah, I'm kind of over the whole "victim blaming" label. I asked a question in the interest of dialogue and because I actually just wondered, as this situation isn't something that is common (the character acting piece of it). I said I wasn't blaming, but curious to know. If you see it that way, your business. Not

    I'm not saying he was in the wrong for not doing it. The situation, character acting, makes this story different from any other so I wondered, aloud, why he may not have done this. No judgement. Just really was wondering...