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    I get it. I'm not saying he was in the wrong for not doing it. The situation, character acting, makes this story different from any other so I wondered, aloud, why he may not have done this. No judgement.

    It is awful. This is a unique situation because he was in character and I really am curious to his thought process. Not because I think he's at fault, but because I've never heard about anything like this happening in this context.

    I am sorry what I said comes off as crass or insensitive. I think it's hard to really ask those type of questions because it is seen as offensive and blaming. I really don't have anything to add because I'm not doing to defend my statements/questions in light of how it is making people feel. Sorry.

    That is a good question. If the idea of the performance is "do what you will" does that give consent to audience members to do whatever they want? Was there some limitations specified that this woman just didn't give a damn about? I'm not even trolling either. I genuinely would like to know how this might be

    I see what you're saying. I agree that we should not dismiss on the account that he's a man and he was "in character." However, I'm a bit shocked that he wouldn't break character and say "not okay, not doing this, unacceptable." Now I'm not saying because he didn't do those things that he's wrong, bad, lying, dirty,

    So when my cousin found out about her brother, she called him and came down to see him. She lived in a different state then. She ended up relocating back to our hometown for a few years and when she got in town, the first thing she did was call him up and meet him. She always had him over, shared photos and such and

    Apparently this is common. The thanksgiving cousin was the first of 4...FOUR, cousins aged 10 and older that the family ended up finding out about. Just last year we found out we had ANOTHER (this makes five) cousin who is 18 now. Like...wtf.

    I got occupied last night and forgot I wrote this.

    This isn't a horror story as much as it's a story about family craziness. My dad's family is kind of big. He's one of 6 kids, 5 boys. All of my uncles and my dad...well, they're whores. Like...seriously. They are a group of good-looking black men with former military service, good jobs and cool personalities and that

    I had a roommate who was from the Czech republic and she was fascinated with me (I'm black). I mean, it was almost weird. She was like "I'd never seen black people in person until I came to the US and your skin is to die for." I knew how she meant it but it was very "Silence of the Lambs-y" for a minute there. Lol,

    The way he's looking at that ball is totally the way I was looking at that performance. Like..."what the fuck is this?" And why are they doing this for an INTERNSHIP?

    Is this serious? LOL, maybe I just have gorgeous friends and maybe I'm aging like a g-ddamn rockstar but I think Jennifer is very normal for what a 45 year old who takes care of herself and enjoys life looks like. I get some people don't look like this, but I'm just saying in total...sure maybe you have some pounds on

    Pretty much sums up my feelings about this whole thing...

    I HATE PEETA. There. I said it. Lol. Yes, he's nice and sweet and all that "gooey" stuff. But, bruh. You're in a fight for your life!!! Life! He just never struck me as someone who would survive natural selection based on his lack of dominance. And that annoys me. Team Gale all the way.

    It won't. People are people. Black, brown, white, yellow. Period. People get pissed and act out. If I came up to you and pushed you and told you not to react, at best you might give me a look and then walk away. At worst, you'd push back. Okay that exchange happens once. No big deal. Now, let's say I do that exchange

    You know...I never got the dislike for him that people had. Until right-fucking-now.

    I just...the title alone. Thank you!

    Ohio State - Michigan games...pick a year. I went to O State and couch burning, car flipped and trash can fires were par for the course if we lost to either Michigan or Michigan State at home. So just because it's not something you're tuned into, doesn't mean it doesn't happen.

    So now virginity is the key to prevent rape? Oh...okay *rolls eyes*

    We don't let people operate cars without doing through a training program, at the conclusion of which we REQUIRE them to PROVE they can safely operate said car. WHY isn't that a requirement before owning a gun? It cannot be that much of a big deal to train people to safely use guns and demonstrate that safety before