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    Under what circumstances does this guy get out before he's a covered in liver spots (if ever)?

    I've never known anyone who was stable to do this. I could just know unstable people. But of the people I have known who have done this (admittedly, not a large sample) they have all been pieces of shit across the board. No exceptions.

    That is my philosophy as well. You go after a clearly married person? Usually means you are flawed across the board. Full. Stop.


    That Sophia Loren one is the pinnacle of shade. The face alone is overt, but that definition is what shade is all about. I died laughing at "In my face you could see the fear." LMAO! There was nary a trace of fear in her face. That explanation was straight up gangsta shade. I'm here for that type of shade all day

    Honestly, I'm with you on that. I actually love the place. It's beautiful. The PEOPLE make it insufferable. I'd move back to Cali in a heartbeat given the opportunity.

    I've heard rumors that he lean abusive. Maybe not Sean Penn style, but abusive nonetheless. Were there stories of abuse with his first wife that came out during the divorce or no? I can't remember. (yes, I could google it but I thought you might know. Lol)

    We all have our weird crushes. Mine are Harry Conick Jr and the rapper-turned-activist David Banner.

    No. This is not made for women with a large bust. Just...no, no, no. And what's crazy is I've seen women like Sophia Vergara wear this neckline with better results and she certainly isn't flat chested. I'm not sure if it's just the way boobs are propped up or what, but this is really unflattering. I hate it.

    Awesome look! The pose was kind of awkward though. But, I did love the dress. Not too much with the sheer. Just enough.

    If he was going for edgy, he needs to see Daniel Tosh's standup. That guy goes for everyone, equally. That's his brand of comedy. I respect that.

    I'm not sure why, but for some reason I don't feel that way about Kerry's marriage. I can see why others do.

    Outside of the first few pics of them when they announced their couple-dom and marriage, I have never seen pictures of Kelly Rowland with her 'husband' ...esp during her pregnancy. She's not been shy about being out and about either so it's not like she's just been away from the public eye. I get that people have

    My ex had NPD and if this (the always your fault, never theirs quote) ain't the truth, I don't know what is.

    Listen...Nero, aka Jimmy Smits is not at all someone I'd normally go for because of the age thing, but I think the characters he plays really makes him super freaking attractive. I do not want him to die.

    I watched this last night and when s he said "do her on the car" to show his feelings I thought, "why would he do that?" and "how does that show anything?" I get that show has always been edgy and whatnot, but 1) it was so far out of character for both of them, ESP Chibbs and 2) it served zero purpose. At least some

    Again, legit made me laugh and (between this and the other comment that made me laugh) my co-workers think I'm insane. (they might not be that far off either, lol)

    WHO is contributing to this page? WHO?

    I legit just laughed out loud and my co-workers were like..."what?" To say, "oh I'm looking at the pic of an accused rapist and his eyes are totally weird and not proportionate to his face," sounds extremely stupid when you say it aloud. So...yeah. I just said "oh, nothing." and kept the rest of laughter on the

    I was wrong about the FL marijuana thing, but yes, I was in Cali (and am still registered there so I did vote in this election) then and that was the most confusing thing ever. I voted the way I intended to but only because I had a cheat sheet.