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    No, I was wrong about the FL marijuana thing. But, SEE! See, this shit happens to me all the time. Because it's not always yes=for it and no=against it, I get confused...a lot. I didn't vote in FL though. I voted in another state cuz I'm still registered there.

    I didn't vote. lol, I'm registered to vote in another state so I voted there. Good thing I didn't. However, my point stands that this yes/no thing being reversed has happened and it's totally fucked me up.

    This may not apply to some, but I know for me, the actual ballot "yes/no" system is extremely stupid on some initiatives. The Florida medical marijuana issue is one of them. This is how my brain thinks..."do you want to legalize medical marijuana? Yes or no?" But, NOOOOOO...the ballot wants me to choose NO for"yes,

    This was literally the exact thing I thought when I read that statement. They are the same diagnosis. And, you have bipolar depression (which is different from having a bipolar diagnosis but it usually co-occurs) but manic depression is the old term for bipolar.

    You're right. CB isn't the best example, but I choose him because articles have been written about him here recently and people do not forgive him. I get it. No arguments. The similarity to me is that both him and Dunham seem to be framing their narrative around 1) I was young ( and I'm not talking about the 7 year

    Reading is fundamental. Never did I say he was unjustly persecuted. I said that he continues to be persecuted for things that are definitely abusive. Here we have an example of someone (Dunham) putting forth claims that are disturbing at best, abusive at worst and the response from Jez has been 1) minimal and then 2)

    You are responding to the narrow excepts posted in this atrociously researched and ill-written article by an author who was willfully ignorant in posting all the facts that surround this issue. My response was to the myriad of excepts that I've read over the course of the weekend and early this week about the other

    17...17. Like, there is a difference between knowing and not knowing sexual behavior at say, 11 or 12. However, she knew exactly what the fuck she was doing and how that might affect her sister because she had already done some very questionable things up until then that she recounts in her book. I'm SURE she knew

    Sorry, but if you admitted to trying to bribe out affection for said friend and doing conniving stuff to win favor with her...and then called it predatory behavior, I'd absolutely say it was more than weird. Assuming you didn't do that, it was a bad judgement call but not predator behavior.

    They haven't. They usually slam her, which is why am I thoroughly confused by this about-face in the wake of some seriously fucked up revelations by Dunham. Like...seriously confused. The only thing I can think of is the "ours" mentality. It's the mentality that says "I can talk shit about my mom because she's MY mom.

    That and tv commercials. I swear commercials are twice the volume of regular tv programs. Someone in marketing found a 'trick' to making us take notice of commercials. Unfortunately, this makes me LESS likely to want to purchase whatever they're selling because now I'm just annoyed I keep having to turn the tv down at

    Being that I haven't gotten any dick pics in my inbox (yet...fingers crossed that I DON'T), I'd say OKCupid is already blowing POF out of the park. And I'm convinced that damn kik app is nothing more than code for "come see me play with my dick on video". At least that's my impression as a result of being on POF.

    Given everything she wrote about, how she worked to bribe her sister for affection and did many overtly manipulative things to gain that affection, I think it's very troublesome. She described HERSELF as predatory, yet so many are quick to insert the "that's not what she meant" explanation that I think is bullshit.

    If it was left to the "looking into the vagina" part, then no. But, had he have masturbated in the bed with his sibling when he was 17 and she or he was 10, hell yes. That's deviant. Because she's a woman it's deemed "okay" or at the very least not offensive. And that is ridiculous to me.

    And maybe Lena should STFU about public outcry after she outted herself as an abuser at worst, predator at best.

    I'm not sure. It may explain things, but he still has the responsibility of managing his care better if that's the case.

    Yep. I thought about that after I posted it. I said yesterday that if this were a man saying these things all hell would break loose. Esp. if he was a man of color. It would be curtains for him, his career and shit...authorities would be looking into how they could possibly charge him.

    I forgot all about that damn fight. I just remember the back and forth studio shit that was happening. I agree. He's angry at everyone.

    THIS is what the fuck is bothering me. It seems that there is much more to the story but the focus from the white feminist media is "oh, she only looked at her sister's vagina when she was 7." From all accounts, that is NOT the only thing she said she did. WTF!

    Here's the only issue I have. Dunham is getting quite the pass while others (Chris Brown) aren't. I'm not saying CB should get a pass. I address that in a separate Jez article. The narrative for him from him seems to be, "I was young, it happened, I'm still paying for it, Rihanna and I are good, when will the public