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    This is very true. It's a really warped sense of "duty" you develop and what's worse is that everyone else in your life sees you as this awesome person, or at least someone with merit and value. So when this ONE person who is supposed to love you doesn't see you that way, you really do start to think "maybe it's me,"

    It also depends on the age too. Honestly, I think the younger, the better. The more you bring your kid out to places that require them to temper themselves, the more likely they will be able to do that without much though as they get older. I don't have kids, but I'm in the "bring 'em" camp. To the bar? Maybe not. But

    Who is the gorgeous man? I need details!

    Just because you are strong doesn't mean you can't be abused.

    I don't actually remember it being promoted much at all. I remember a few commercials here and there, but that was about it. Maybe I just missed the fanfare, but I do remember the only reason I knew about it was because I was on Twitter at the time and people were discussing it always so I caught up on the first 3

    Scandal got off to a slower start mostly because it was quietly put on air. I don't remember much hype/promotion surrounding it and one day it was just on. Unless you were a KW fan and paying attention to her work or already watching something else on ABC thereby seeing the limited promos, you could have easily missed

    There are very few A list actors/actresses who have acting range, in my opinion. She is definitely one of them. Most of the other actors/actresses I think of with range all seem to have a tv show under their belt. (Amanda Seyfried, Bryan Cranston, The entire cast of The Wire, etc).

    See...I was expecting to see the worst of the worst. As it goes, this was very mild. Not to say that that's okay if that's not what she wanted. It is very bothersome walking downt he street and CONSTANTLY being called out to. There were some pretty innocuous "heys" and "how are yous" in there. However, there were the

    Eh, I don't think she needs to learn humiliation. I addressed that because clearly it's a byproduct of this type of punishment. When I said "I hope that's not the only thing she learns" I mean that hopefully the parents aren't just out to humiliate her but actually want her to understand the potential consequences

    This is something my dad would do. Kudos to him for stepping up. However, I hope that humiliation isn't the only thing she learns. I hope him and her mother take the time to sit her down and talk to her about WHY this was not appropriate behavior and the bad things that could have happened as a result of people

    I know. It's just that it's always touted as the "last frontier" when it comes diagnosis and therapists usually don't know what to do or how to do it unless they are specifically trained for it. BPD (borderline) has such a stigma to it, mostly because therapists are unfamiliar with what works, (which is DBT and in

    Drake seems like the ultimate douche. He seems like those "nice guys" who whines about all the "bad boys" getting all the play…when in reality he's just pissed because the perceived "bad boy" schtick works for other men and not him. Now that he's hot (in some circles…to me he looks like an early human), has money and

    Agreed. That's why I said it's "thought" that they aren't treatable but I've known a few who have gotten help and while they aren't recovered, they are much better people to deal with, with treatment than without it.

    It's not that hard. I used to work with a community group in a low-income neighborhood and trust me…it's not that hard to have the kids removed, even temporarily to ensure their safety. One of the my former clients had all 4 of her kids taken away immediately after teachers found bruises on one of her kids. It's a bit

    They may not have lived together, but they were "weekend shaking" and, my understanding is they stayed over each other's places a time or two.

    That's my thing. Whether they consummated the relationship or not, he still killed her. I'm not sure saying "she never wanted to have sex with him" is a good angle to take because it gets folks talking about the wrong thing.

    This is true. I didn't take that into consideration that maybe he's on medication for something else that might affect his ability to get or sustain an erection.

    The real question is, how old is her boyfriend that they NEED this cream? If he's a typical teenage boy, when isn't he standing at attention? I thought all they needed at that age was a stiff breeze to get it going.

    I can tell you that in GA (at least back in 2008ish) there are conditions of pedophiles begin released, even after serving the full sentence (i.e. not paroled, etc). I'm really unsure why he hasn't been picked up by now.

    This is truth.com as well.