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    It is truly insidious. People with BPD (borderline personality disorder) are usually thought to be untreatable, but NPD is worse because 1) those with it don't think they have a problem (it's always other people with the issues); 2) when they do seek help it's usually court ordered or as a result of their "supply"

    I'm very sorry to hear this :(

    Honestly, low self esteem can play into it but she's been in other relationships since this man so she knows - on a conscious level - that she can get a man. The issue really runs deep because there is some serious manipulation that goes into molesters, particularly those whose crimes are known, gaining access to

    Agreed. Whatever the reason, the kids need to be out of her care TODAY!

    Yep some people are evil. I offered a possible explanation since, studies show, that NPD is an overwhelming diagnosis in people who are molesters and those people have a classic pattern of choosing victims based on things like low self esteem, age (the younger the person, the easier to manipulate), etc. And abusers

    It happens because child molesters often-times have Narcissist Personality Disorder (NPD) and they are master manipulators. It's not only a manipulation of the children involved, but the parents and/or authority figures in the child's life.

    I'm a Christian and I have never understood why people think they can pray for people by just coming up to them and doing it. They don't even ask, they just do it. I've seen many people do this and it's very weird to me.

    I know someone who's name is Pepper. She is awesome. lol

    I've never watched the show before because I found the whole family to be physically ugly. A sin, I know.

    Also, he would have direct contact with the victim in this case, although she is now an adult, I'm not sure that he would be able to come around based on that alone. Again, I'm not sure.

    Anti-WOMEN advocates. From where I stand, they seem to hate all women, regardless if they identify as feminist or not.

    Yeah. She's had 10 years to work through whatever love/affection she may have had towards this man. In the face of what he did to HER DAUGHTER, how she could even entertain a "hello" from this man without violently attacking him is beyond me.

    I totally missed the "for" in the title and was genuinely confused and disgusted for about 2.5 seconds.

    I hate stranger touch and I'd be MORTIFIED if someone went in for the kiss. Ugh. You gotta shut that shit down. Lol.

    This comment is the epitome of logic. Thank you!

    Right. You never know. I could see her being upset if she specifically asked him not to throw something out and he did to spite her. Be upset. But set someone on fire?! That's extremely unbalanced...even for a drunk person.

    I appreciate this article and appreciate my parents, my dad especially, for being that "if she doesn't want to deal with you, leave her the fuck alone" person. But still, as an adult woman who was called a bitch more than she cared for, I "soften" my resolve and found myself seriously bending my emotional radar in an

    I mean...I may understand the fury one feels when your taste-buds are hankering for some divine leftovers, but this reaction is way off the mark. And Florida is going for the mutha-fucking win in the "state with the craziest residents ever" award. Also, I'm sure drugs and lots of them account for the sheer number of

    Ditto, my mom used to pretty much beat the shit out of me for the most minor of infractions. As a result, my sister doesn't spank unless it's necessary and she usually cries after. I don't have kids but I don't see myself hitting them. I can't bring myself to hit other people's kids (family members who are ok with

    It's not new at all. This was discussed in my first year college English class (can't remember why, but it was) and that was like over 10 years ago.