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    It was her family that got her committed recently. It was reported that she was living with them and then all of a sudden, she just left, quit school and it looks like she's off her meds (if she was medicated). Her family is doing as much as they can given that she's an adult. It's really sad.

    I came to comment to say exactly this. She needs HELP. If she doesn't get it, she will hurt herself or someone else.

    Dunham is just "there" to me. I don't like nor dislike her. I honestly don't know enough about her or care enough to form an opinion. The only reason I am leaving a comment is this: I'm not sure how old Lena is, but when I think of memoirs, I think of older people who have forged their way through life imparting their

    See...that right there further proves that he's lying about not knowing. It's strange too because what benefit would he have to say "oops...wasn't aware I was a citizen?" Esp if there is hardcore proof like he was using his brother's info as ID.

    Right. That's what I'm saying. You could be here thinking you're a citizen until a point. However, driver's license...birth certificate...SSN...all that is required at some point to do almost anything business-wise in this country. He OWNED a business, so they claimed. I get that there are state issued ID cards one

    Maybe I'm wrong, but you cannot have a US passport and be a non-citizen, right? So if they traveled internationally (and I think they did for the show and probably for personal reasons too) wouldn't he have then known that he's not a US citizen?

    I believe in God too. I've had my moments when I was all 'fuck this shit...no God," but I cannot reconcile all this (this being life, the universe, etc) and there NOT be a creator. Also, I don't believe 99% of the old testament and believe how everything came to be is a marriage between religion/Creator and science.


    Me also. Lol

    I went to an all white school in a well-to-do area for my sophomore year. I had to transfer for the following reasons:

    I honestly don't think people "get" racism until they are affected by it, either directly or indirectly. It's super easy to think "I'm not that way" and then go on to have and raise a child in an area such as that because you believe you can teach them racism=wrong.

    Okay. I watched the vid, get the lawsuit and I understand their position. If you're not black, half black or any other brown person you may not understand this fully. I'm from the area that they are from. My dad was military so we moved often. We ended back in NE Ohio just in time for my sophomore year in HS. By this

    Yeah, this post is very ambiguous when there is more information out there, put forth by Dunham, that would clear up the ambiguity.

    Yet my ass is STILL in the greys.

    I think this is reaching. While she could have been talking directly about LL, I think she was referring to ANY troubled child star. And her advice was pretty spot on. I don't think you need to stay out of sight forever, but if you have some -ish going down, maybe don't choose to be at the hottest spots for paps and

    I'm not sure why so many hate Lena Dunham, but I'm generally uninterested in her overall. Her show, her brand...just her. However, I would like to know more about this incident and her conclusions of rape as a result. Not because I want to judge her. Not because she HAS TO explain. But, like you said, this post is

    My cousin's kids had lice. We're black and they have long hair. So, number 1...black kids can get lice. They got it from the pool party they went to. Used someone's brush, yadda, yadda. Lice ensued. The girls have two different hair textures. The oldest has a more traditionally black texture and it wasn't hard to get

    Nah. They'd think their child having the gay gene was punishment for some known or unknown sin they forgot to repent from and would then spend forever trying to live even more holy as to change their child through God's supernatural healing...

    Yeah, this makes no sense. It seems like an affair in training. Also, I'm thinking that if back-up guy is so great, won't he have options and exercise them? Who wants a dude who's been sitting around waiting for his chance at love with someone who is living their life, planning for the other shoe to drop?

    I'm black also. I'm on the fence. IF they are using the word "thug" and using all the profanity and whatnot as a play on "gangsta rap" aesthetic, then it's amusing. If they are just appropriating what is seen as black culture, then I'm not amused. So far though, I can't tell which one it is so I'll reserve judgement.