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    Ok. Not that you had to clarify, but thanks for doing so!

    Wait doe...wait. I hope that you're not saying that the family is to blame. I don't think you are, but I wanted to clarify. Because her family actually seems like the type to be extremely supportive given the lengths they went to do get her help. Additionally, the help she needs to be heeding and benefiting from

    I have learned this the hard way. I have made some spectacularly bad choices in men, my most recent ex being the worst of them all. Why? Attraction. While I was wise enough not to date 66% of the 3 people who fell into the "extra fucked up" category, I did end up dating one. Some major red flags appeared early on for

    Between this scene (that I did not see) and the SOA eppy that had pastors...PASTORS in a bisexual threesome that was being filmed, I'm think pornhub may have some legit competition in the near future. lol

    Lol, I can't lie though...I'm digging the haircut. #sorrynotsorry

    They don't have any affiliation with Baptist or Methodist or Presbyterian (?) etc. All it means is that the church teaches from the Bible and leaves all of that other ritualistic doctrine out of it. For example, baptists have certain beliefs about what it takes to get into heaven, as do evangelicals, as do Methodist,

    Most non believers comes to church to hear the message about Jesus and all the stories of the Bible and how they can apply them to their life. Not everyone who goes to a church does so because they believe. Some are genuinely looking for whether or not Christianity (or whatever religion of their choosing) is right for

    Listen. This is the home-country of the mighty media industry that keeps giving people like Charlie Sheen tv shows in which he's the lead character. Of course they are going to take back Paula Deen. *shrugs...

    Nah, I just think she's like old school when it comes to her personal life. She does her job, does the promos and is involved in a few nonprofit/social causes and goes the eff home. It seems that a lot of black actresses are this way. Sure you have those like Megan Good and Gaby Union who embrace social media, give

    From what I understand, in many HR handbooks watching porn is considered a form of sexual harassment and to avoid a lawsuit, I can see why they'd fire someone for doing so. So while both employees are bored and abusing company time, one of them is actively violating company policy and causing the company to be exposed

    And she has every reason to be angry...just like Olivia has the right to be angry at times as well. I don't get why we have this stupid stereotype. People, HUMANS get angry. Yes, some people ARE angry as well. But, this stupid stereotype that says that as a black woman I wake up angry (flawless?) because life is

    I so agree. I don't understand how anyone wouldn't feel strange about cuddling with someone they don't know. Cuddling is INTIMATE as hell. I could see a hug. Having a bad day? This app will let you hug it out. Great. I get that. But extended cuddling? No. NO!

    I remember this and this was around the time that ABC fired her from Live with Regis. I hated that show. lol

    I want her an her NON ASS to go away. JLo doing an ass video = +1, Iggy is just trolling. She doesn't have enough ass for that. I'm over it.

    From what I understand, using HGH isn't against NFL rules and any med spa with a doc on staff can prescribe it. So, even is they did test positive for it, a lot of doctors (at least in Cali were I lived) gave out those 'scripts like candy and as long as they have a "medical need" it's overlooked.

    Honestly, I would love to see some comparison study about the difference/similarities between folks who have TBI from playing football and TBI from combat. Hell, I'd settle for accurate stats of people who have TBI in either profession. It most definitely can change behavior in a person.

    And yes, some kids are just "ugh"...for lack of a better term. All kids seem to have that god-awful growing pains stage, myself included. But, it's a terrible thing when you genuinely do not LIKE your who your child is at a fundamental level. Some folks are better off dealing with that kind of thing but others aren't.

    See, I get that. But, the side effects of taking the wrong antihistamine is continued hay fever or allergy reaction or what-have-you. However, take the wrong bc pill and you could have bleeding for WEEKS, migraines, severe cramping, weight gain, etc. I'm not saying bc pills should be locked away forever and OTC

    This is what is throwing me. BC is medical because...well it just is. I know women who've gone through different pills or forms of BC until they got the one that was right for their body. So to have people who have never taken it before just getting it over the counter for the first time is a bit scary and

    Eh. It's funny. Gotta get the laughs when you can. She'll be fine.