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    I'm okay! Thank you so much for caring. Safe!

    I'm in the process of leaving an abusive situation. Damn...that sentence makes it real. I finally broke down yesterday and told my friend after I was trapped in a car speeding down the highway with him at the wheel threatening to "Ray Rice" me. I have an exit plan that is going to take place today and it's scary. But,

    No, it does suck more in that instance. The best worst breakups are the ones that ended clearly because one party was a jerk or abusive. It's easier to deal with after you clear your head of the fog.

    This. You grieve while in it. It sucks for the other person, but that's why it "easier" because you're already done it. Usually they were too absorbed in their own stuff to realize how bad it really is.

    My personal experiences are not what makes the world go round. What I experienced on one dating site doesn't speak for all men. I could debate you on the men I have known and their biases both for and against dating black women.

    100% agree.

    When I did the online dating thing, I got more response from hispanic and white men and I did from black men (I'm black). Just to check if I was imagining things, I changed my race to "mixed" and sure enough…a lot more black guys took notice. How crazy is that? I think people have this idea of what a ___________

    I totally agree with this. The interviewer was dead wrong. It's like someone coming up to a woman who used to be a drug-addicted prostitute, who is now in a better place and saying, "So I hear you used to suck dick for money." Um...maybe she did, but damn?! We have this incessant need to "bring folks down" that I

    This so many times. Misogynists don't always hate themselves. What they do is exactly what you described. They put themselves so far above women that the restraint they exhibit on a daily basis toward others (esp in public) is not the type of restraint the honestly believe they should have to exhibit to women, esp

    Unless it's a super early flight (and even then I still wear regular clothes, not Pjs) these are the exact type clothes I wear.

    I'm black and slim and my booty is smaller than it used to be because I lost weight (unintentionally). I'm definitely the Rihanna of the booty team. I would FIGHT someone trying to lose a nice round ass. I'm eating everything I can to maintain and get a bit more backside. So for them to suggest that until now folks

    I have personally known about 4 people where abortion was suggested due to medical concerns. 2 of those 4 had the abortion, 2 didn't. My aunt didn't die from having my cousin initially but it significantly weakened her body until it did give out 6 months later. We love our cousin and she is, in every way we can see,

    You can criticize the act of "flying while in labor" but to start asking invasive questions about her cervix and its state of dilation is just too much. It's unnecessary.

    How dilated her cervix was on the plane? WT ever-loving F! I did not know this was a thing. I missed all of this.

    I hate that she even justified that they were "medically necessary." I wish she could have just said "I had two abortions and I (along wiht my family - if that was the case) had to reach a decision that was tough." End.of.Story.

    This is pretty much how I met my SO. We have our issues and we're in a rough patch but dammit...we will make it! (where to? idk because we're not really overjoyed with the marriage thing so...yeah. But, dammit...we're headed somewhere!)

    I thought the same thing. He seems like the ultimate sweaty ballsac in human form and for them to have a continued feud because him is just...stupid and immature.

    I hate gin...like a lot! Ketel One is the brand of vodka that will make anyone a believer in its rubbing alcohol qualities. And this coming from someone who loves vodka. The best vodkas are the ones that aren't the most widely known. Like Three Olives (somewhat popular), Chopin, Ultimat, and Blue Water.

    Thanks to my cousin's wedding I now know that I can pull off yellow like a BOSS. And it was this exact shade.

    It's everything!