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    I'm sorry :(

    Go home summer...you're drunk!

    His response to this cover pic and article left me with a tear in my eye it was so perfect. Lol

    See…I get it but I still think it's overkill to make some major announcement about her sexuality. If she confronts someone who makes remarks or what-have-you, then there's not reason for her to not correct or self-identify. But, I think it's just a bit more information than anyone needs to know. I could be wrong, but

    I agree. What the hell is wrong with this answer? This incessant need to tell everyone all about your sexual business is nonsense. Now had she have said they were planning an open marriage and she wanted to date women, THEN this would be bad advice of the risk of someone seeing her out on a date with a woman and the

    They really are! lol

    I get the most compliments on my hair in its natural state from white people more than black people. I think the notion that "they" (i.e. the white community) don't like it is bullshit. Some white people don't like it...but who f-king cares about those people anyway. Do you!

    I'm black. My hair is uniquely black and I prefer not to comb it. It wasn't such an issue for me when my hair was relaxed. I could wrap it up at night, comb it down in the morning and bam...instant hairdo that was cute mostly because it was long and shiny and long (for black girls that's like the holy grail of hair

    So do I. I don't dislike Mariah at all. She just seems…difficult.

    It wouldn't require an entire new contract if it was included, in some way, that they could change the name of the show (among other things) midstream. More than people would like to believe, contracts within the entertainment industry are written so ambiguously that it's easy for people to do a bait and switch all

    Which is how is should be. I'm glad you haven't had that experience.

    Maybe she choose him because she thought she'd get a "yes man" for a husband. I'm pretty sure that she underestimated him (if she did indeed think that) because he pulled her. I mean...clearly he's a pretty determined person. So why wouldn't that extend to his career?

    All the stars!!!!

    Can we get real for a second? White people don't talk about race for two reasons:

    And had she have snapped a photo or took a video, they would have victim blamed the shit out of her. "Oh, you liked it because you filmed it. Why else would one alleging assault do that?" The police stories lately are shitty and this is just another reason why I think this profession is entirely useless (until they're

    I'm black…and I understand what you're saying. It's an attitude of "who cares" that is pervasive when it comes to a lot of things in the US and violence is one of them. HOWEVER, I will say that I've seen people react way more on the "they deserved it" scale when that violence is perpetrated against a black person or

    I dated a man who wouldn't let his son outside if he wasn't around. His son was 5, we lived on a military base and there were always kids around. We could see the playground from our home and if he went to the other one, we could call our friends and say "say, so and so is on the playground...keep an eye out." I

    As much as I don't get the point of Zumba specific clothing (and I love me some Zumba) I have seen those girls come to class decked out in Zumba-centric gear head to toe. So I kinda (like a very little bit) get the value of the theft. But seriously...seriously...it is that crucial that there is a Zumba black market

    I'm guessing she's extra stupid (duh!) but she does realize that men and women do NOT get housed in the same facility once they're processed, right?

    This is the most eloquent statement I've seen on the issue thus far. There have been many good points. This is just perfect thought. Perfect!