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    Agreed. I just don't ever call the cops for anything. Thank goodness I don't have to ever call them, but if I did, I'm not sure what I'd end up doing.

    They would have taken my black ass to jail ASAP for calling. Ugh. I hate that the people I'm supposed to call for stuff like that I can't due to fear. Glad it worked out for you though.

    I saw those tweets last night and was floored. I asked my ex Navy, ex civilian military contractor boyfriend is he was as heavily armed when overseas and his answer was "no." Tells you everything you need to know about the police claims of trying to keep the peace...with riot gear to the hilt.

    Not all pedophiles were abused as children. Not sexually, physically or emotionally. So...what of your theory of sexual abuse as the sole reason for pedophilia?

    This is 100% true. When you don't want to do something, you place obstacles in your way do you don't. Not the other way around.

    Ditto. I've wanted to harm people and my desire to do so is what made me seek counseling. I do not have those thoughts at all now. But, thank God I was allowed to say "I want to hurt so-and-so and if I don't get help, I'm pretty sure I'm going to," and the medical community said, "great...let's help you." I get why

    If you have kids with more than one person and you're asking me to take you seriously in a relationship, I'm side-eyeing the hell out of you until some benchmarks have been cleared. That doesn't mean I won't find the explanation legit and judge you off of the fact that you have kids. It happens. However, if you've

    Yeah, so...no. My frustration isn't with the way the site is set up or that is's a feminist site or that it's "non-news." Someone died and people have reacted in all kinds of ways. My issue is with highlighting the dumbasses with their "suicide is selfish" reactions that I think could wait or be framed in a different

    I get it. I do. I get why it's being discussed. I guess with all the shitty news and stories lately (this, Mike Brown, Gaza, etc), I'd just like to have one situation where people are nice and we ignore the dumbasses. At least until later in the week or something. The debate of suicide and the seriousness of mental

    I really wish you could unpost this. I get that people are shitty and say shitty things and it's click-worthy, if not news-worthy, to report on it. However, I just wish that all the shitty responses that people posted self-righteously about suicide being the "cowards" way out didn't garner ANY attention...least of all

    I am, and have always been, of the school the thought that says, "you hit...you get hit back." Now, there are nuances to every situation and qualifiers that MOST people will take into consideration on whether or not they will hit someone back. However, as someone who will NOT win a fight with a man, I'm never going to

    Actually people DO care. Residents of the communities, civic leaders in the community and others care. A lot. The issue is that one one with the authority to do anything actually cares. It will take a massive movement from the residents of those communities (voting campaigns, marches, etc) to get those in power to

    I remember when Salt N Pepa started going the way of "sexy" with their image. They never overdid it and they evolved the game a lot for women. However, they were a group. Lil Kim was kinda the first SOLO female rap act to take it way over the edge with her sexy image.

    Honestly, as much as I hate to admit it, Lil Kim came out and really changed the game for female rappers. Before we had greats like Queen Latifah, MC Lyte and many many others. However, they weren't "sexy". At that time, to play with the boys in rap/hip hop, it was obvious they felt they had to play down their sexy

    I thought the same thing and yes...she has crossed into scary territory and sadly, there is no coming back from that now.

    He was saying that to teenage girls. I'm not sure if you a woman but if so, remember what rumors felt like. when you were in HS. Whether they were true or not, most of us would stress it to some degree because we were young and at that age EVERYTHING is a big deal. So to say, "it's not real" is not a comfort because

    This is real.

    To me, argument=fighting. It might not be a loud, overly aggressive, physically violent argument. Just something that gets you riled up. How you resolve it and when is the thing that is most important. So when folks say they don't fight, I think "what...they don't argue at all?" And I realize that's not how others

    Those couples are Scorned and Snapped episodes waiting to happen.

    Eh. They don't have the full blown personality disorder to it's not bad...to me. I honestly think that's because I have traits as well, just not to the extent that they do. The one thing I will say is that I moved away from home early so I could know what "normal" people were like (mother is a whole 'notha type of