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    For some people that would work. For others, it wouldn't. Plus, what one person thinks is a character flaw, someone things is a nuance. Our society is so "look at me-ized" and narcissistic to the core that I can't see how anyone with these traits or full blown personality disorder has a real shot at recovery/change

    I don't think saying "I'm a narcissist" is the same as having NPD though. You can have narcissist traits and/or a narcissist personality and not have NPD. I think the distinction is people with NPD actually hate themselves and they use others to project their negative feelings onto without empathy/consideration for

    They usually pride themselves on the fact that they honestly believe they (and their offspring) are better than others.

    Not quite sure why my statement bothered you so much. I'm not all "women and men are raped at equal rates." I just said it's not uncommon for a boy/man to be raped..meaning it happens routinely (and yes, it's usually perpetrated by other men, not women, but that doesn't mean women rapists don't exist. Just at FAR

    It's not uncommon for men to be raped outside of prison as well. It's not AS common compared to women, but it's not uncommon at all. Rape takes place in male homosexual relationships/circles as well. Rape takes place in hetro relationships too (although the way it which it is achieved is much different than male

    You'd be surprised at how many people DO have at least one person who says 'no...don't do this," and STILL they do it. A person can have all the naysayers telling him/her "please, don't..." but ultimately, it's up to that individual to decide what they will/won't do.

    I've seriously considered starting a website where people exchange bc pills. Your insurance covers this, mine covers that…cool, let's switch. Only pay for the shipping costs. Of course, this is not legal but man. I'm STILL thinking about doing it.

    How about for us ladies who have found the one...that blessed one, only to be told that our insurance doesn't cover it. Oh, and it's $99 WITH a discount. And before everyone hollers "generic" in unison, there are currently NO generic forms of Generess fe. I hate you Generess fe...but I love you. WHY can't you be

    There is an issue of rampant drug culture in the military. There is a LOT of access to drugs, both prescription and illegal, and many times people look the other way or are doing it with the soldiers that they lead. Alcoholism in the military is talked about because alcohol is legal. But drug abuse is catching up to

    I've been to the Miami Dash store and it's like every other boutique clothing store around. Nothing terrible but not my style. If it is your style, I can get how you'd love what they sell.

    HGH is another thing people in the health/fitness industry use as well. When I lived on the west coast, even young folks (talking early 20's and late teens here) used to take it. I get what it's supposed to do, but I don't think the practice as been around long enough to understand the long-term side effects so I

    You HAVE to get permissions to use the photos, per HIPAA. So yes, an ethical surgeon gets consent from all his patients before posting photos of them (even if those photos are stripped of identifying information.)

    They were ALWAYS high. Always. They are surprisingly still together and seemingly sane (and sober) so there's that.

    Let me guess...you either 1) don't have kids or 2) have never worked with kids. I don't have kids, but I used to work with them and yes...some of them cry over the littlest of things. It happens. No judgement on the parenting. Some kids are just sensitive and cry a lot.

    Thank you. Kids are resilient and this is not that big of a deal. To her, yes...it is. But, in the future when she watches this there is more likelihood that she will laugh at her naivety more than anything else.

    I hate it. I have have SEVERAL white people, mostly men, ask me what my nationality is. They cannot fathom that my parents, grandparents and great grandparents are all BLACK. Why? Because they find me attractive. It's so ingrained in them that "white=attractive" that they NEED me to say "no, I'm mixed" or "no, I'm

    I hate the image. I think it's ultimately crass and gratuitous. I agree with your sentiment. I can still hate the contrived outrage this man has over the image and recognize his hypocrisy as well. Both feelings/sentiments can be had and expressed.

    Can we say this louder for the room please?! Not even being sarcastic. I don't have kids but I do get how complex it must be to raise them in today's world. Nevertheless, some shit is just NOT FOR KIDS. Turn off BET, MTV and the like. Regulate what music your child hears in your home, car, etc. When certain things

    She's the new Lil Kim. Lil Kim used to be a cute person. She is scary looking now. I think Kim's was more of her own insecurity of self than the men around her (although I'm sure they didn't help). SMH

    We all make our assumptions based on our real life. For example, I didn't know that white women could curl their hair with a curling iron because my baby doll hair was the only time I saw "white" hair come into contact with heat. The result…it melted. Of course, I didn't know the hair was SYNTHETIC so I transferred