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    It's fake. God...it's fake and it's obviously fake. lol, Sorry but this 'debate' about the legitimacy of some celebs ass-ets is out of control. Kim K's ass is fake. Nicki Minaj's ass is fake. Coco's ass is fake. Yes, people exist with big butts. But the degree and proportion to which some have gone out of their way to

    God, I'll be so happy when we can retire the "fake ass" and all it's convoluted glory. I'm waiting for the day that Vh1 airs "I love the 2010s" or whatever they're gonna call it and we can all laugh at how women (and some men) were getting everything injected, resulting in cartoon-character likeness. Because this is

    Thank you. If we're going to talk about her ass, let's discuss it's inauthentic nature. Nothing wrong with getting it done. Do you. But, let's not put this on display and discuss it like it's real because it is not. Not even close.

    Because sometimes the forskin is prone to infection. Sometimes rough sex produces cuts and those cuts aren't healed as well in the foreskin because it's usually damp, thus slowing the healing process. There are reasons...

    I agree. It's a complex situation for sure.

    I agree with you on that. I was one of the folks in the minority who said that if the roles were reversed and there was an entire article on what could have prompted a man to hit a woman, the board would have lit up like a Christmas tree...and rightfully so. Didn't quite understand why it was ok to have that same

    This is going to sound ridiculous, but I swear it works...monistat. Yes. Monistat. I helps speed hair growth. I had braids and one area just sort of came clean off. I used monistat on the small thin/bald spot and in about two weeks I had enough hair there that it wasn't noticeable at all.

    Pants that don't have pockets cut on an angle. Seriously. WHO thought cutting pockets at an angle makes sense for women with HIPS?! Cut the pockets straight across and save us from the dreaded "pocket hips" that are so unflattering...even on the most slender of us.

    This is the struggle though so I like that they included that. Hopefully, the lesson will be that you can still be black (because…yeah) and like stuff that doesn't fit into "black" stereotypes.

    Who doesn't like doggy style though? And I say this as a woman who loves it. How can you not?

    Which cheeks? Lol

    I was thinking the same thing though so you'e definitely not alone.

    Best response ever!

    I was wondering the same thing. They (Sean and Robin) seemed to stay under the radar as far as celeb couples go. Even their divorce was quiet. I wonder if she's just an exceptionally private person and didn't put her business out there, took it and finally got fed up and left. That's not an uncommon tale either,

    Because, you know, women were put on this earth to satisfy a man, so if she feels offended, she shouldn't have ever been born."

    She is involved in a legal dispute with the blogger of the "honest toddler" for the use of the name. That alone makes me hate Alba because it's unnecessary. The lady who pens that blog and Twitter page has tried to work with Alba at every turn and she's just a bitch about it. So, f-k Alba and her page.

    From what I can tell Jessica Alba does the same thing and folks (mostly moms) really like it. She has about the same resume as Blake so I guess there could be a market.

    The person in this case was female. Had you have said "infinitely better than black PEOPLE" I wouldn't be confused. lol

    Yes and no. Yes, we're assigned the "maid or prostitute" title, but there is another narrative that we run into that is the "angry black woman." Usually this isn't something that is physical in nature. It's an attitude of anger that is presumed that most black women have. However, with that notion, it's easy to say

    People who view others, regardless of race, as people would respond by calling the police or at least trying to figure out why someone is on their doorstep. Had she have been trying to gain access through the window or via their garage, then yeah...do what you have to reasonably do. But, she KNOCKED for crying out