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    To be honest with you, they were extremely poor at that time. They are better off now, but I don't know exactly HOW she found the time to do it. My uncle wasn't much help, and she was working night to support the family. She has a better job now, thankfully. Also, she has a special needs child who was slated never to

    I have an outlier story. My aunt is one of the dumbest people I know. Well, socially stupid and very little common sense. When she said she was going to homeschool my cousin, my family was understandably worried. She did it anyway and homeschooled him until 5th grade. He 's been in public school for a year now and has

    So what if your family doesn't know shit about finance? Are you supposed to seek out other relatives to help? What if they don't know? Then what? I really do not (and have never) understood why we put so much onus on families to teach certain things. Manners, morals, basic school functions like math, reading, etc. I

    Like...wait. Folks go to WALMART to cook meth? How is this happening? I'm so confused right now. So...very...confused.

    Dat ass...I work toward that everyday in the gym man. WHEN I obtain it...no pair of short shorts will be safe. lol She looks amazing!

    Ok, but her first husband did come out in support of the new soon-to-be ex and basically said that SS wasn't fit, right? Sorry I don't have time to re-read the piece but I could have sworn that I read that was alleged by the first ex as well.

    Let me just put this out there...if this were a story about a MAN doing the same thing, folks would be LIVID. She and her husband intended to raise this kid and even if the egg isn't hers, she STILL signed up to be this child's mother. So, in light of that, it's kind of ridiculous for her to back out because she

    I don't know where I'd wear this too, but dammit...I want it!!!

    I want this pantsuit in my life...today

    I was also approached when I was 17 at the amusement park with friends. Actually, he asked to take our photos first and then tried to get us to take some without our shorts (we had on bathing suits). I didn't let him take any photos of me. My friends thought I was being stuck up...UNTIL he asked them to remove their

    True. However, it seems (and this is purely anecdotal) that most small businesses don't offer much in the way of health insurance anyway. Either way, I'm not for this new ruling at all. No one should have to justify to their BOSS why they need/want certain medications based on...well anything, but especially not for

    I will say that, thankfully, most employers don't give a shit about this at all. However that doesn't mean this ruling should stand because it's absolute crap.

    I'm not saying that vaccines aren't helpful and even life-saving for us all. What I am saying is the anti-vaxers have some of the equation right. If it's mandated that my child has to have all of this stuff before they can enter school and in order to enroll my child, I must comply, then the government can certainly

    I was unaware that ashtrays and magazines were somehow negatively linked to black women. And I say this as a black woman. Like...stop it.

    I'm black. I was with someone, a white woman who I thought was pretty cool (until), who went on an absolute racist tirade about the perils of black people ruining the country and nigger this and nigger that. She literally turned to me and said "but not you cuz you're cool."

    I forgot all about this. Shonda Rhimes promptly wrote her ass off the show so I'd say the writing was stellar.

    I seriously don't think she gets this and it's going to bite her in the ass again. I mean...her movies were no more or less shitty than some of the ones Reese Witherspoon, Meg Ryan (back in the day) or any other actress did. It was her attitude of "gawd...I'm over it...too good for this...whatever," that turned people

    Very true. This is why we need to create dialogue around WHY folks enter the sex trade. The money is good so the option is appealing. But, because it's so "hush-hush" yet an open secret enjoyed by the masses (via online porn, massage parlors, prostitution, etc) and sex is so shrouded in shame here, the people who

    I've always been fascinated by sex workers in a sociological sort of way. And I really, really wish people would study them, their motivations, the trappings and more in a way that doesn't condemn, pity or vilify the sex workers (most of whom are overwhelmingly women), but instead reveals some practical solutions that

    Ok. Wasn't being ugly about it. Just saying I don't know anyone who does this. And most everyone I know who is a mother drives or is with someone who drives (husband, mom, sister, friend) so that's why I've seen it done in the car vs the bathroom floor.