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    How do we reform that then? And I'm not being snarky. I see that you are really passionate about women's choices and I'm really at a loss to how the industry can be reformed to be less of an outlier when it comes to sex, sexual situation and porn. More women directors? More women-owned sites? Actors and actresses

    But she does kind of touch on how the stigma of sex work detracts people who are well rounded with health self esteem and not in need of "escape" or financial rescuing? (I happen to think people who go into sex work are complex and some of them have healthy self esteem, while others don't. I agree that overall, many

    Most folks I know just take the baby to the car and change them there when options for sanitary changing aren't in place. I don't know of anyone who has or would change their kid on the bathroom floor.

    Exactly. I lived overseas as a kid and it was common and no one complained about it. Just another part of life...

    I'm very curious to see how people are going to respond to this piece. I think it's awesome and very true. Something tells me we're going to see the whorarchy start in the comments in 3..2..

    Yep. Mid-to late 20s seems to be the magically stressful time that bring mental illness on full force. Seen it, lived it, know it. Here's hoping that he can get well!

    I didn't mean you were here for her. Just saying that if, by some stroke of luck, she gains fame again at the hands of Cash Money (if she's really signed with them) a lot of black folks will be on it. SMH. Terrible.

    When you said "joint party" I thought "weed" and I immediately thought your family was the coolest ever. But, then I remembered context you meant joint as in combined. Lol.

    This. She has been caught saying the most racist shit ever and STILL black folks are like "well…I guess we're here for her." This black girl is NOT here for her at all.

    Faith looks amazing!

    You think it's creepy. I don't.

    Lol, y'all have got to chill on this man. They've been together since HIGH SCHOOL. I've said it before, but most people don't just split up after that many years without at least one of them trying to get the other back. Maybe it's not in the best taste to do it publicly, but still...cut the man a break on that. My

    Yes Lawd, yes. Florida is a lot of things, but for this hair...amazing! I may never move.

    This is my issue with Zoe. Any other time she's gone out of her way to distance herself as "black". Which is fine. She identifies as hispanic overall. I wouldn't care if she were cast to play a fair skinned black woman, but she is NOTHING like the look or "essence" of Nina Simone. Like…I will NEVER see that movie

    You know what though? I think because of the horrible casting choice of Zoe as Nina Simone that people were just like "enough is enough," with this casting. I know people would LOVE it if Zoe would back out (me being one of those people) but she's not going to. I think the overall issue is the consistent white-washing

    No one gives a fuck about black people. And I'm black so I can speak to that. Sure, for someone who is white, you can raise hell with a lawyer after the fact and people might budge. But for us? In the eyes of most everyone, we're SUPPOSED to be picked up by police for simply existing. How dare we want the respect that

    I get it. I get why folks are uncomfortable with any form of hitting children. I just don't think tapping your 2 year old on the hand and saying "no" so they won't touch something that they shouldn't is akin to beating the shit out of them. So I get the stats and all that. I just don't see it the same way. To each

    I don't agree. Swatting your kid's hand before they touch a hot iron or pull something down on themselves that would hurt them is NOT child abuse. If you believe that, cool. I don't though.

    Right. You may not be good with changing in a diaper or be particularly skilled in burping a baby, but basic human decency says don't abuse your kids. I realize that some folks grew up abused so their idea of "normal" is skewed. But, still…even those people who end up repeating the cycle know better. And that has

    Lots of parents use physical discipline. A slap on the bottom or something along those lines isn't the end of the world. However, a tap on the wrist or slap on the bottom is NOT the same thing as driving a PVC pipe into a child's chest. There's corporal punishment and then there's abuse. They aren't the same.