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    And see…this is what I read this case was about. The law says that because she didn't consent to the filming AND they distributed it, they are in the child porn business. I'm not sure that I'd want that law re-written because it would leave the distribution of underage sex videos legal and…I'm just not comfy with the

    Yeah, thanks for saying what I was thinking. There was a GA law that was applied in a very suspect way and had that guy Genarlow Wilson caught up for a few years and it got overturned. That made sense because the law was being grossly misapplied. But this? Seems like the prosecutors are dead on.

    Have you ever done a burpee? lol, cuz I can assure you they are like the holy grail of exercises. The name sounds funny, but you will never find another exercise so stealthily deceptive.

    Thank you. I do not get this nor do I understand why it continues to be perpetuated.

    You know what sucks? Actors, musicians and others in the entertainment industry are people. Just like some days you go to work and are a ball of energy and other days you want to not one goddamn person to talk to you or you will scream, I'm thinking it's the same with people in the public eye. Good days and bad days.

    You can get a legit decent apt in FL for $800/month…even in south Florida.

    What is is about German men who marry non-white women but are racist as fuck? I had a friend in high school who's father was a staunch racist but her mother was black. She was banned from hanging around with us darkies and he used to severely abuse her mother. Shit was crazy...

    Thank you. I think this is the mature thing and I do exactly that. People see wedding shows and think you have to do 874 things prior to the wedding. If I say yes, I'm signing up to show up. That's it unless I can swing doing something else like the shower. But, otherwise, anything else is just gravy outside of me

    Yes...so much yes to all of this. Outside of my sister, I told anyone who asked that if you want me to be a bridesmaid, my only obligation is to show up...especially since I live out of state and have to fly in for anyone who's asked. Some people are cool with that, others aren't. But, I'm not breaking my budget on

    I 100% agree with this statement. People who STILL support this man's endeavors in any way are just as trashy as he is. There is NO excuse.

    No. I don't find it creepy. It's kinda par for the course. They have been together forever and have a kid together. I know it's kinda far-fetched in this society but some people actually don't just walk away quietly and cry in the corner when their love leaves. Some folks actively try to get them back. This is his

    Let me explain this the best I can. When the world sees you as black, it doesn't matter if your mother or father isn't. YOU know that you're biracial but if you look black, people call a spade a spade. And as such you begin to deal with that association usually by identifying as black.

    Exactly. This is so complex and I don't think anyone is really on that "bullshit" as some say. One is grief stricken over the loss of her father and the other is quite possibly depressed. Both statements have validity given the person's personal experience.

    If we want to get all "technical", it was Africa, they were lions and that's about it. Sure, black (Scar's mane) signifies "evil" in the media, but I don't think...well now wait...the media IS deliberate so maybe it was a play on race but honestly, one lion wouldn't be black and the other white and they'd be brothers.

    I haven't seen it yet, but plenty of rom-coms have seemingly equally shitty advice and life lessons on love. The end.

    You and Loco make excellent points. It's not that it's bad to see someone and think, "damn, they are attractive" but when the objectification begins and is JUST LIKE when men do it to women, and done with such disregard of a person's humanity and their relationship/martial status, it's very disheartening.

    He's married. Didn't say whether it's to a man or woman though so I guess that's still a possibility.

    I know this isn't "pc" but yes the hell you can. I don't condone fist fighting a child, but repeated attempts or successful landings of slaps, kicks, bites, etc can be deterred when a parent responds in kind with a restrained one of their own. (except bites...don't bite your kids folks, lol). Again, I know it's not pc

    This is exactly where I think the line of questioning goes in situations like this, just so the hospital can err (sp) on the side of doing too much and not too little. I could be wrong, but that was my line of thinking too.

    If this was a real policy, then okay. But, it's not. So they were in the wrong. The mother's reaction isn't something I'd have but I'd be pretty annoyed to learn later that this policy is, in fact, not law. I'd feel like I got one pulled over on me yet again by the medical system.