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    I have a type looks-wise and regardless of ethnicity or complexion or what-have-you, I still go for that type again and again. Well, just recently because before I had a different physical type which really wasn't what I wanted but it was what others said I should want. Once I got real with myself on what I like

    I read it as constant as in "needing it all the time...exhausting" type way. She might not have meant it that way but it came off in that manner. I don't think reassurance is a bad thing at all. CONSTANT reassurance is not something I'm suited for though.

    Bless you. I cannot deal with men who need CONSTANT reassuring. I don't have the time or patience. My ideal match is a supreme alpha male. lol. That sounds so weird when put that way, but I'm not too emotional and I don't like having to goad, coddle or cajole anyone about any area of their life on a regular basis.

    She's not a porn actress, she's a porn star so the $800-1000 mentioned by another person is off. I live with a porn actress (craigslist room rentals will get you every time) who's been doing it off and on for about 3 years and she and her boyfriend make anywhere from $4000 to $6000 per month. If they do specialty

    I agree with everything except the fact that she can't go on to a legitimate career. It may be more difficult for her to become a lawyer than her unknown counterpart , but much of life is not what you know it's who. I'm sure she have rubbed elbows with people who would hire her (and not as an escort or other sex

    When it comes to establishing boundaries and people feeling entitled to define those boundaries for you, no matter how harmless, I don't think it's a reach. Most abuse is from family members or friends and out of fear of having the child who is disrespectful, people encourage their kids to do things at times that are

    I agree!

    I feel like more of us need to realize that we ABSOLUTELY can get outraged at men (or women) who think it's okay to violate your body in any way. This is why we need to stop telling women/men to "smile" on command. This is why we need to stop telling little girls and boys that they MUST hug an adult stranger, family

    I have a cousin who was 15 when she got pregnant. She NEVER showed and wasn't trying to hide it because she legitimately didn't know either. When they went to the hospital with what they thought was an appendicitis and found a baby, the explanation was the further back the baby sits (in the case, the baby was

    I know Kylie is sort of being set up to be the next Kourtney...the one sister who doesn't do much/is behind the scenes more but I happen to think she's lovely and her body is very awesome in that she seems to have inherited her dad's athletic build. I hope she goes the way of doing something in the health/fitness

    Her, Eartha Kitt and Lena Horne all had the greatest skin ever. I mean...I need to know their regimen. They were the epitome of flawless to me. Sophia Loren is also another one in that category, but she's alive.

    Yes, I thought it was posted here as well.

    I'm sure regulating the sex trade would help deter abuse among sex workers, but eliminate rape and sex abuse entirely? No.

    Misery loves company. Not saying your situation is a reflection of that. Just saying that I know many people who are in relationships where one person harps on how horrible the ex was/is and how great the new person is. because they're "not like my ex." The new couple gets comfort out of it and they do unite in some

    I don't know if you're a therapist/counselor but dammit if that analysis wasn't spot on. They are ALL so very insecure and it's easy to see from the outside looking in.

    Thank you. I know people will get on you for saying that. And, I know that fat people get a bad rap and get slammed regularly. That's not cool. However, that's no reason to go all "mean girls" on people who aren't fat. Just like the heavy person doesn't want to hear that shit, neither does the slender person.

    Thank you for saying the exact thing I was thinking. Shit, this site is ridiculous. You can't be attractive or in-shape without apologizing for it and then you have the $10K Lena Dunham thing…because of course if you're "average" and trying to look your best for a NATIONALLY CIRCULATED MAGAZINE…you should be ashamed.

    Marriage, as conservatives see is (NOT ALL, but many) , is the piece of paper that says we've done what the state has required me to do. I say the state because nowhere in any Bible that I've ever read does God say you must get that piece of paper to be committed in his eyes. But, I digress...

    Ok, I get that. That's an abusive act, but not something that I'd say makes one abusive on the whole. Maybe I'm naive or dumb, but I could legitimately see why he might have been that angry IF there was a real possibility that he could have been infected by her. I would want to do the same thing...I wouldn't, but

    Wait, wait, wait...he sounds abusive because he went to great lengths to find out about what she was being treated for, got upset about the diagnosis and publicly shamed her? Okay, here's the thing. I can get why he was upset assuming that he was recent enough for this revelation possibly affect him. Cooler heads