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    Yeah. Missy and Timberland were responsible for Aalyiah's huge success after that meltdown, hushed PR nightmare with R.Kelly. They worked wonders with her. The one thing that Ciara lacked was vocals. Aaliyah wasn't J Hud on the vocals but she could hold her own in a ballad. However, Ciara has an incredibly weak voice

    I'm not a man and I know some EXTREMELY emotional men (we call them Drakes) who have done stuff like this (lament in great detail over some women who burned him) and continued to recount it until people had to tune him out or actively tell him to shut up. While some men may not do what this man did, I can guarantee

    This is a rumor that has been around for a long time and I kinda believe it. Mostly because of how Matthew Knowles seemed to give zero f*cks about the other girls, the fact that they basically adopted Kelly (back in the day), she never speaks about her family or background. Allegedly she was raised by her mother but

    The "he had to do/say something to warrant the attack" comments have GOT TO GO! Because reverse the roles and this muthafucker would light up like a Christmas tree with comments attacking that notion (and rightfully so.).

    There is no way I could just stand there, not doing anything. It's soooo odd to me that this is her response. I cannot begin to imagine how high one has to be or how completely USED TO IT one would be in order to see this and basically go "meh."

    As an Aries, I approve of this. WE NEED ATTENTION ALL THE TIME. As a child I can recall how insanely angry I got when my sister born and took all the attention (well, it felt that way to 4 y/o me). There are battles you can fight with an Aries. Attention is not one of them. Unfortunately for my mother, she choose to

    RIGHT! lol, Did people expect a dissertation? It's a pretty basic piece about her current feelings about racism. It's not like she wrote it in text shorthand.

    Most people have to have stuff directly impact them in order to care or put energy into finding a solution. I care about human trafficking but I've never experienced it firsthand or known anyone who dealt with that personally. So while I care, I'm not moved to action. HOWEVER, you bet if I had been directly affected,

    I do agree. At 20, I didn't want to chill with 19 year olds. However, I didn't have brothers and never grew up around guys except adult uncles. If I had older brothers and was cool with one of their friends, then I could see how this might not be all that bad. I get why folks are all "ooohhhh shirt off = bad" but I'm

    That comment annoys the fuck out of me. Seriously. Willow looks like a little fucking girl. Period. As a black woman who wasn't built like my white counterparts, it's fucking infuriating that I was treated as a woman in training (i.e. sexualized) while some of my counterparts or others who didn't develop until 16 got

    I'm not saying we can't be vigilant about our kids, esp daughters, in the fucked up world we live in. However, context is lacking in this picture. He could be like a brother to her, her gay bestie or a host of other things. Also, them chilling on the bed maybe watching a movie or just doing nothing isn't necessarily a

    This picture is perfect to describe how I feel about Goopy. I don't hate her like some others do, but whenever I see anything about her I just automatically think "bullshit". Thank you for capturing that with such elegant flair. lol

    Yes to your comment, minus Maggie because I just...do not care for her face. Lol, But everything else was right on target.

    This face is gorgeous. Yes to it and those tights and those thighs in the tights. I'm not lez but as Elizabeth Banks said in Pitch Perfect, "she could turn me." Lol

    Amazon has Coobie (I think that's the brand) sports bras on sale. 6 for about $24. They are good quality too. I work out regularly, and while not a busty girl, I have enough that I need support. They look great, make my boobs look awesome and - most importantly - keep everything in place when I work out. Just note

    My friend passed away about two years ago and his FB profile is still up. Listed his bday recently and I had a moment. He was a father, husband, friend and damn good person. In our circle, we all recall him fondly, but on our own terms. Seeing reminders all willy-nilly is just…too much.

    From someone who is in shape and a "gym rat" as some would say, I can assure you that most of us do not care what you look like. At worst, you have those assholes who say nasty things, but they'd do that regardless of anyone's size. They're the type who pick on women for not being perfect in every way. At best, you

    I was totally unaware of that shift in drug theory but it makes a whole lot of sense. Thanks for sharing that!

    I've never heard of her not being sober. Not saying you're wrong. Just saying I've not heard those reports. If so, that kinda sucks given her history.

    I know Drew Barrymore is busy making babies and being awesome, but she's also sober. And she's been where Lindsay is. Awful parents. Check. Young and addicted. Check. Career tanked due to drugs. Check. COMEBACK AND SOBRIETY. Check.