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    He's actually a pretty decent rapper. But. as a person he needs to stay on his meds and off drugs to function well (so it seems). He has bipolar disorder (he's talked about it both in music and in interviews) and he's a douche to women (per his twitter feed and the trash show that is "Love and Hip Hop).

    She was totally not into it. It was the most bizarre sex tape ever. I wasn't sure if it was just a situation where she was like "well...we do this all the time and I'm not into anymore but I'll take one for the team," type thing or if that was just what she's like normally in bed. Either way, Ray J was EXTREMELY in

    By any means...not a sex crime at all. It might be invasion of privacy or something else along those lines but unless it's a peeping tom type situation, I'm miffed at how something like that could be called a sex crime.

    What you have to understand is that these girls don't have a choice (well, they do, but it's been pretty well drummed into them the type of life they are supposed to live so they don't "feel" like they have a choice). It's that type of madness that leads some of the folks here to criticize the younger girls' "choices"

    People are all entrenched in him being divine and unattached…almost above humanity. Stupid Christians (not all Christians are stupid, but the ones who have a hard time swallowing the issue of sex not being "bad, dirty, unholy" are the ones I'm referring to) equate sex as somehow being unholy and something that Jesus

    Me and my sister would be left in the car while my mom ran a small errand back in the day. It never felt like she was gone for long and I was old enough not to be scared (and could operate a car - windows, air, locks, etc) but I'm sure it would be seen as a HORRIBLE thing now. I think I was like 10 and my sis was 6. I

    That movie was hilarious to me. I love low-brow humor though. lol

    My cousin has been planning this wedding to this man for EIGHT years. It's finally happening (long...long...long story). So she asked me to be in it. She has no sisters and me and her were close growing up. Sure. No problem. HOWEVER, now that she's planning this thing for real she asked a whole lot from us. I'm in an

    It's definitely not selfish or bizarre in the least. I have a lot of friends who do not have sisters and I'm the de facto bridesmaid in their minds. I have been asked to be in 7...SEVEN...weddings in the last 4 years. My bank account and my sanity cannot handle it. I was a bridesmaid for my sister and will be for two

    See, I don't. I think Oprah took a chance hoping against hope that LL was at least somewhat serious about sobriety and just needed a chance to be around positive people. The cameras have always followed LL and to me, this was a chance for her to have them doing so with her input at least. I'm not saying Oprah is above

    You know what bothers me about this comment? It doesn't take into account the range of skin color possibilities within ONE person. When I lived in Ohio, I was a legit three shades lighter. Lack of sun and it being constantly overcast were to blame for that. I moved to sunnier climates and have never been the same

    You could definitely hit them back with ALL SIN WAS NULLIFIED BY JESUS...EVEN HOMOSEXUALITY. (I do not, however, think it's a sin but for those who do, the Bible is an excellent source of STFU for those idiots as well because everything they say about how wrong being gay is can be reduced to "the blood of Jesus saves

    Cold wax is our friend...well, at least mine. You might try that route.

    Listen...I feel you. I'm black and have kinky hair. Unfortunately that extends into the vagina area as well. Course hair - no wax = problems for the man friend with sex. But, more than that, I remove it cuz I hate pubic hair. Always have. Probably always will. lol.

    I would heckle the shit out of Ranic if I were famous and she ever had the nerve to say anything to me about my body. I get folks are skinny/thin by nature (I, being one of them as well) but I would be especially annoyed at any commentary or offerings about my body from her.

    Yo…this is spot on!!!!! I'm from that area and the part about racist comments about a family members biracial child is so fucking accurate. It's scary.

    Ambi works well for scarring. It's marketed to black women but everyone can use it. It helps fade without taking your natural skin color with it. Hopefully it doesn't exacerbate any skin issues you have. Good luck.

    Maybe it's because I have them as well, but my reaction to boobs are "oh...nice" if they are nice and "oh...ok" if I think otherwise. It's never "OMG...IT'S A BOOB...#$%^&^%$...freak out...the end." I think that's a strange reaction when people act (or are ) genuinely offended by the sight of boobs.

    In all seriousness though, she could have went further into her explanation but we only get a snippet here. I think it (her answer) was more hypothetical and for that reason didn't get into the semantics of how that situation would work for all involved. I could be wrong, but I just didn't get the "it's all about me,

    No...if you weren't a die-hard fan of Dexter (sorry, I never watched Lost) you cannot understand the epic terrible-ness that was the finale. I mean..yeah. It was THE WORST FINALE OF ALL TIME (said in my Kanye voice) HIMYM was a decent ending to a fairly decent show. I understand that some of the details weren't hashed