“2016 Chevy Cruz: FASTER THAN A FERRARI*
“2016 Chevy Cruz: FASTER THAN A FERRARI*
It looks really great in person, just saw one the other day and pictures don’t do it justice...
I’ve always had a soft spot for “weird” cars and the Mondials, 400/412, and 308GTB4 from Ferrari resonate with me for this reason. This video makes me want a Mondial QV now. Yes, I might be a little sick in the head...
“That is a really cool” man!
Thanks for this. I’ve always liked the Mondial and I’ve never been ashamed to say it. Now I’ve got some backup.
Love it. And I say that as a Lamborghini owner, hated by many Ferrari owners in the town I live.
I owned a ‘88 Mondial 3.2 last year, bought it knowing that I’d probably never be able to afford one of the “desirable” ones.
Didn’t knew it was hated. I don’t see a reason why.
I’m sure we all have cars that are generally liked, but not to us individually. I’ll not insult you for your preferences.
I think his reasoning loses me a bit, he thinks opposition to the Mondial 8 is some sort of misguided brand conflict (AFAIK it’s not, people criticizing the Mondial aren’t criticising other Ferraris), and he presents his much quicker Mondial QV as the case for the fact that he thinks the car is cool. Cool is not a…
I'm convinced. Off to ebay we go....
“But he’s not a single-minded enthusiast either, brand-bias animosity baffles him. “I don’t understand why the Ford guy thinks the GM guy has a crap car,” he says. “Perhaps you need to just take your blinders off and have a look at this wonderful world of cars and engines.”
Strangely enough I was just reading up on “Scent of a Woman” not an hour before this article went up. Now I know I’m fated to go blind and then drive a Mondial T.
Got to respect the guy. Knows more about cars then I ever will and he chose that car.
chances are you probably stopped when you realized there’s a reason they’re so cheap.
The Mondial is the 944 of Ferraris, and that market has yet to catch fire. But it’s starting to gather steam.
If Gated Shifter, Then Cool Car.
Yes! I’ve always had sort of a soft spot which is apparently a problem I have always had for 4 seat Ferrari’s.
I don’t understand the hate on the Mondial. It is a four seater Ferrari. It comes in a convertible. The ballers have room for 3 dates to go topless.