
Step 1: Don’t be dating me.

While I do respect the idea of second chances, if my wife cheats on me, it’s game over. 

It's almost as if they approved.

If only we were all entitled to the forgiveness and patience afforded to Christian white males

Just checking in to mention I created this account name years ago specifically to comment on how Mike Huckabee praised Duggar as a ‘good Christian’ after he was outed as a serial pedophile. Huckabee specifically didn’t try to deny that Duggar did it, and he seemed genuinely confused to find out that some people

Sean...Penn? The man with a history of violence spanning (at least) 40 years?

I agree Hyundais are nice cars, but I’m still not a fan of them. This goes all the way back to 2005, when the Hyundai plant opened up up in Montgomery, Alabama and news of an Interstate 85 extension from Montgomery to I59/20 near Cuba at the Alabama/Mississippi state line soon broke. Checking the legals in the local

I once had a mentally unwell, likely homeless person present one of these to one of my tellers.

Why didn’t she transfer her money to an untraceable island somewhere and then follow it on a (private) plane? I get that stealing is wrong, but she clearly doesn’t and she screwed herself by staying stateside.

my go to is Double cheese, Double Cheddar, Double Feta, Double Parmesean Asiago, Double Provlone. it will literally seal a bear up for hibernation.

That’s straight-up stealing, there’s no cleverness here, they are simply turning a promotion into a cheat. If you and your friends can’t fill yourself up on pizza with this deal, stealing more just makes you look like an asshole. You could have been full all day without the grift, but instead you chose to be “clever”

Yup. I don’t want anyone to talk to me about pitying Trump voters or reaching across to work with the GOP. They aren’t just dumb anymore, they are willing to cast the entire country down all in the name of maintaining power and a steadfast willingness to blow their foot off if it means that PoC will suffer more.

If any McDonald’s franchises get calls from anyone pretending to be me, it’s not me. I only call Wendy’s and ask for Prince Albert in a can.

There was a great opportunity here, though.

Samuel says CPU may move all their funds from TD Bank if there aren’t changes made

“I had to suffer so everyone else should.”

As a former child myself, I’m astonished the shit adults inflict on children that we’d never do to another adult.

I’ve always imagined that the weird, bizarre and even cruel behavior of self-help coaches is traced to the fact that they must live with such a profound degree of cognitive dissonance that it screws with their heads.

People need to get over this idea that going to or teaching at a place like Harvard means you’re a great all around person. I’ve known several people that went there, and their common personality trait was that they were extremely self-absorbed. This worked in their favor in that they were able to single-mindedly

Correct. In a world where the standard rule is “every empty seat is a free for all after takeoff” there will be melee near first class as people try to nab the empty seats, especially on long-haul flights, resulting in fights and inevitable delays/diversions (beacuse you know we can’t have nice things).