“No one is going to work with him. No studio. No A-list actor or filmmaker. It would kill your reputation. Not to mention that you’d have to justify it to your friends and family. How could you do that? He is toxic.”
“No one is going to work with him. No studio. No A-list actor or filmmaker. It would kill your reputation. Not to mention that you’d have to justify it to your friends and family. How could you do that? He is toxic.”
This would mean a whole lot more if he wasn’t already rich as shit and for all intents and purposes retired. Sigh.
Well, its been years. I got out in 09 after taking two rounds in the hip, but spent most of my time doing PSD work for CEO’s of oil companies, senators and congressmen. Say what you will, but remember that even though most of us despise Hillary for allowing Benghazi, she herself used Blackwater and similar PMC guys.…
FWIW: I’m a retired Air Force PJ and Blackwater PSD contractor that did an 18 month stint as an air marshal. Even air marshals will often not get involved if they think the crew has it under control as protecting their anonymity is paramount. If an AM isn’t going to get involved, should you?
I’ve got a terrycloth robe on the back of the door. If sh*t gets so real I can’t manage to grab that before getting out of the house, I’ve got bigger issues than some news based nudity.
I think your last sentence is the understatement of the year.
I’m speechless. The one on the right looks like the knock off from an asian factory.
What are those sleeves stuffed with to keep them puffed? Is it itchy? I’ll bet that dress was super itchy, as well as fugly.
I don’t know enough about the book to know if any parts (not the mob in the forest) was inspired by real events, but smokejumping is one of the most dangerous professions and becoming more prevalent with the increased drought in the west. A friend of my family’s, a Forest Service smokejumper named Tom Hart died last…
That dress is, hands down, the ugliest wedding dress I’ve seen, and I used to watch Say Yes to the Dress. Everything about it, to my eye, is off - the sleeves, the neckline, the waistline, the girth of the skirt, and the train. I hate it, and I will not be deterred in my hatred.
Exactly. Ted Bundy wasn’t that smart, and if he’d been born 40 years later, he would have been caught a lot sooner.
It’s almost as if a wage increase has no impact on how shitty customers will treat baristas.
If you’re going to fucking bring your fucking kid to a fucking bar, the little fuckers are going to fucking learn some new fucking words (or at least one in fucking particular).
Don’t cover her head, and she looks like a $2,000 sex doll.
I was standing in the middle of a long line at the airport once and some guy almost knocked me over slamming into my side to get across the hallway to another gate - because “he didn’t see me”. Standing in a line. With tons of people in front of and behind me. So I kicked him. Then he was all “who did that????”…
Step 1: Don’t be dating me.
It's almost as if they approved.
If only we were all entitled to the forgiveness and patience afforded to Christian white males.