
Is he well? I haven’t watched his show in years but caught the last 10 minutes of a recent one. He seemed mentally checked out and based on his response to a guest, it seemed like he didn’t understand the question.  When he left at the end as per usual, he looked like he was a hurry to GTFO and barely waited for his

Nurse with a purse. A friend retired and within a week 3 senior guys in her building were pursuing her. She can outrun the one with the walker but the others are pretty persistent. 

I read one years ago about a couple, both married with kids, who met and fell in love. Divorced their spouses and had a beautiful, sentimental wedding. The kids were in the background of the pictures and none of them looked happy. I couldn’t read another one after that. It seems like its still a public masturbation

I read one years ago about a couple, both married with kids, who met and fell in love. Divorced their spouses and had a beautiful, sentimental wedding. The kids were in the background of the pictures and none of them looked happy. I couldn’t read another one after that. It seems like its still a public masturbation

It must hurt to be a white male and realize how little value that can have in some instances.  All your life you’ve been a god and now women! women of colour! are denying your god-given right to everything.

 Sometimes the trash takes itself out.

I still have most of the dried and canned food I bought in March when COVID panic was a real thing. Local officials advised people to keep a 14 day stockpile of food on hand in case of self-isolation. Having to buy enough food for 2 weeks made me realize how much food I would only eat if I was really hungry, canned

Favourite line of one old boss:  “You’re only here because no one else will hire you.”

blah, blah, blah, “deeply regrets”  just fuck off.

There was also a reddit thread about a man who was convinced his girlfriend was cheating on him because she used tampons. He told all their friends and family that she was a whore and his brother basically told him he was an idiot.

Yes, because all the problems and issues facing Americans right now, a song about vaginal lubrication deserves all of the attention. 

 She sounds like a “down there” kind of person.

Or that your ignorance of womens’ bodies is so vast that you don’t mind the world knowing how little you know about a functioning healthy woman. Imagine his shock at seeing a breastfeeding woman. She’s a witch!

I looked forward to that show and was upset when it stopped. I watched reruns and found some new cringeworthy thing in every single episode. The bandanas and hats were because of his hair loss. :(

It outgrew the Mason jar. 

Final proof that 2020 is going down in history as the Worst Year Ever.

Our local weather station explained that the high winds create a concentrated wind tunnel effect and will blow you and your car into the Great Void.

No one wants American plague rats.  

An ex tried to convince me to confront my mother at my daughter’s wedding about childhood sexual/physical abuse. Because in his words “she didn’t deserve to be happy”. I refused and he tried to tell me it was for my own good even though I wasn’t ready to have that talk with her yet.

I’m going to recommend pole or trek walking. Basically, you walk with two or one poles, using the poles to propel you along. It helps you walk faster, uses your arms and you have poles to help keep social distancing and to fend off irate dogs.