and some sweets for the grandkids
and some sweets for the grandkids
Pretty sad when even Prince Andrew takes a hard pass.
And the Obamas got to meet George in his robe and jammies.
Except no one was willing to stand-in except forPrincess Michael and her brooch.
I think they drew straws and she got the short one. Every other Royal beat it out of town to avoid any chance of having to meet him. Thanks for taking one for the team, Queen E. Your family owes you a big one.
Friend was at a wedding where the best man stood up to give his speech and promptly vomited. As did about 10 other guests (luckily only about 10). They traced it back to one tray of appetizers that sat out for too long in the sun.
Do you mean Syracuse Salt Potatoes? Because those are freaking great. Made with new small potatoes, served with butter, awesome.
LOL, he didn’t get a state dinner because the only Royal who RSVP’d was Princess Michael.
My local coffee shop is 80% seniors camping out with their one coffee each. A retirement residence is being built next door. When it opens later this year I expect the coffee shop to go under within a month because they can’t live on seniors parked there all day enjoying their one coffee.
It’s hundreds of BS “mistakes” like this that get people killed. He deserved to lose his job.
In his younger businessman days my SO once spent almost 12 hours in a restaurant. He arrived for lunch, had a very long lunch, was ready to leave when a few friends came in, stayed to chat and realized it was almost dinner time, friends invited him to stay for dinner, several more friends showed up just as they were…
Huh, that’s just what someone who is really giving houses away on FB would say.
I may have replied to the wrong person. I’m running on fumes right now.
You can’t kneel during the anthem but you can rub the flag against your stanky taint. Makes sense
Sigh, I can remember a time when people were embarrassed to be illiterate and uninformed. Now it’s a badge of honour.
It’s the proudly ignorant stating, “I don’t watch/read the news because I get all I need from Fox”. If Fox doesn’t cover it, then it didn’t happen.
OMG, you can see that bathing suit crying. No hats? In the summer?
The family is sending a fruit basket to the woman he profiled because she gave them a perfect reason to fire his sorry ass. “Value Realization Leader”, I bet his co-workers are bringing in celebration donuts on Monday.
My sister is childless. She retired at 55 with a full pension, paid off house and now spends her time travelling and doing whatever she fancies. I had one kid and I’m going to work until I’m 70. I don’t regret my kid but I wish someone told me just how much kids cost.
They piss me off because they are clearly for decoration, not use. I speak as a glasses wearer from age 8 who suffered through ugly glasses chosen by my mother for function not style.