
My friend lived in a condo and this guy (who was a renter) took it upon himself to hang out in the lobby asking people who they were going to visit. The management shut him down after a few days of complaints. Lucky, he never called 911.

It was a potluck.  A big fuck you to Aunt Sharon for bringing potato salad, again.

I worked at a facility that did large scale catering. Before the event started, we were told to use the washroom if needed because it was going to be a long night. One server did so and did not wash her hands after. Someone called her out on it and she went back in a snit and washed them.

Yeah Jan, we’re putting you on making that slop we call tuna salad for a week.” That’ll teach you. 

Free Subway food for the rest of their lives? Why punish the family even further?

In my city, the police will fine you for any false alarms that they have to respond to. Sounds like a false 911 BS call fine is needed.

Their only crime was eating at Subways.  

I noticed the similarity the very first time I used it and I couldn’t bring myself to use it again. Also the’s just gag inducing. 

I’m surprised he didn’t blame her womanly “essences” because everyone knows that ever since Eve women can kill men with their pussies.

The last time I was at a Chinese buffet a senior lady was sitting by herself and having a great time chowing down.  She had dessert first, then two plates of protein, more dessert and then finished off with a plate of roast beef. I want to be her. 

Didn’t Seinfield’s wife get sued for stealing another woman’s cookbook? Must run in the family.

Goes to show that even MLMs have standards. 

America was never white. Interesting that 4 of these Beckies have godawful dye jobs. 

Yeah, nice idea but I think that anyone couldn’t run a business out of a residential parking lot.  Mine had a rule that you couldn’t do car repairs. It was based on the noise and mess and people leaving their junked cars parked there forever.

The kid needs to get a lawn jockey outfit and stand still outside, problem solved. Because that’s the only acceptable way for Black people to exist. You have to be a living stereotypical cliche otherwise you are offending the white gaze.

The woman in pink, is she there to tackle mother and son if one of them does a runner?

Also, they targeted a Canadian restaurant with a similar name.  Might as well spread the bullshit far and wide to make sure some of it sticks.

There’s your problem, you want to see some common sense from that side. 

I loved the way he goes from calm to batshit in under 30 seconds. Him and Daffy Duck.

Republicans: Never let facts get in the way of your righteous ignorance.