You can stop an active shooter but don’t expect a seat at the table.
You can stop an active shooter but don’t expect a seat at the table.
Alias Grace aired on CBC last year. An Irish friend’s family came over at about the same time in what was called coffin ships for obvious reasons. Grace’s story could have been almost any woman’s story at the time. The lack of power and agency that women had then was soul destroying. Fun fact: You can tour the now…
Have a housewarming party, Darren. Invite that neighbour, tell her (because sure as shit it’s a she) and ask her to bring some potato salad. Everyone take a plate of potato salad, have a bite and spit it out while loudly saying, “Who brought this crap?”
“I would have won if it wasn’t for those damn meddling women!”
So who is the special snowflake now? The snake is eating itself.
People who attempt to pass a semi and then stay in the truck’s blind spot. Pass the damn truck so other drivers can then pass safely. Where I live trucks can’t drive faster than 100 kilometers so passing them is very easy.
I’ve seen Melania’s bits and pieces; the photos were classy.
He said CNN was anti Trump because they waited to call the election. I said maybe after the Gore/Bush fiasco they were being prudent. On election night I was working and didn’t have access to TV so naturally I was a uninformed sheeple.
Sarcasm is the lowest form of wit and she doesn’t get it.
For the sake of family peace I had to have dinner with a Trump supporter. Politics was not discussed until he brought it up. When I made a mild rebuttal to one his blanket statements, he put his hands over his ears. He put his hands over his ears. He literally put his hands over his ears. Fortunately, the next…
Also a happily married black woman with her equally successful black husband. And two good kids. It’s stroke level rage for racists.
My friend is the queen of upgrades. She waits in line and watches how the other guests are treating the check-in person. If the clerk has just been shit on then she will talk them into a better mood. She will have them laughing out loud in minutes. We almost always end up with a better room or a few upgrades. She…
I’m holding out for a hero. Not Subway, if they could do something about their smell, I might visit again.
We visit a small Northern town once a year for a quick weekend vacation. Part of the pleasure is visiting the local Chinese restaurant and seeing how much the two little girls have grown in one year. They’ve gone from toddlers to 10 yrs old, making me happy and sad at the same time to see how fast time flies.
It’s a perfect sport. There’s no way Trump could stay focused for an entire match so soccer practice and games must be good for anyone who wants time alone but still engage in a team sport.
lol, it’s not like he hasn’t had the practice.
I was hit by cars. The first I was carrying my kid. When I was knocked down I cradled her so she wasn’t hurt. I had a few bruises, the car was going slowly because the driver was looking the other way while making a turn. I think seeing a mother and baby lying in the road made him more careful in the future. The…
I recently bought a dashcam because I was watching too many Youtube videos of people throwing themselves on cars for insurance claims. It’s been interesting watching the playback. A lot of pedestrians just don’t look or assume that I’m going to slow down. I do slow down but seriously, look up and check your…
Trump sinned against steak. Now he’s sinned against jambalaya. I’m a Canadian FFS and I know jambalaya. It’s a gift from the gods when made properly.
“You can’t fire me for drinking on the job. I was drunk when I got here!”