
Does this mean that Toblerone bars don’t exist?

I want to shake every white woman who is laughing and chortling behind him and ask them WTF are you doing there? You sold your pussy to the Devil for what?

He liked fish sticks.

Do you know why Trump is doing this? Because he is not going to be invited to Prince Harry’s wedding and he needs to say, “I was too busy doing important diplomatic stuff.” He’s hoping this will knock the wedding off the front page.

so much ketchup

Perhaps, but 3 days isn’t long enough, personally, I believe it should be 14 days at least. I lived through the 1998 Ice Storm and 2003 blackout and they taught me that no one is going to look out for me but me.

Those shitty seaweed snacks are delicious.

I’m looking for socks. Got to use my senior’s discount:)

I use cash a lot, don’t use coupons and don’t use tap technology or apps on my phone. Even at the checkout when asked for my postal code or email address I refuse to give it. I know I can’t fly under the radar but I’m not giving them anything more than I have to.

There is nothing like sitting down to a meal and knowing that you only have the plates to clean. I plate my dinner and wash the last pan. It takes less than 2 minutes and my dinner doesn’t have time to get cold. Friends refused to believe that the dinner I made is from scratch because the kitchen is not a disaster

Wear really good walking shoes. We started the day with a huge breakfast, walked, small lunch, walked and then a big dinner and more walking. There is so much to see at the street level you have no idea how much walking you’re doing. And that is good advice for the Louvre, pick a wing and really enjoy it.

A recession is 5-10 weeks away. The U.S. economy is going to start blowing chunks this Spring and Summer.

It’s the same reason I refuse to have loyalty cards. It’s no one’s business what I’m doing in the middle of the night or day.

My favourite job was one where I worked the shifts no one wanted and I’d have the whole place to myself. It was glorious.

Not gonna lie. I was in bed last night wishing I had bought that 50% off chocolate cake because I was craving a chocolate hit. You answered my prayers.

With those capri pants she wore, you know it was Rob making the walk.

I collect those little food company books. Maybe 2 or 3 of the recipes are worthwhile.

Try dried cranberries instead of raisins, very good.

Yes! Which is why I like recipe sites that include reviews. I read those first to both heed the warnings and the tweaks that improve the recipe.

I add a cup of oatmeal to the mix, the cookies are firmer.