
Five minutes in the door, our mother to my sister, “Let me take you to my hair stylist.”

Stuffing vs dressing with a side of “I only use real butter, it’s shame you can’t afford it at least once a year.”

The Partridge Family just started playing on my local station. He was so young and sweet. I remember watching the original run and loving how mature he seemed for a teen boy in comparison to the local louts.

OH MY GOD a hundred times.

I got one of those and it was the best calendar ever. Learned about some good teas and a few crappy ones.

An Advent calendar with only 12 doors? Fuck off right now.

My husband kept his parent’s things stored so that in the end I had to empty two households, plus everything that he ever owned because he might need it some day. My widowed mother has managed to stuff a three bedroom house full. Even though she is a neat hoarder it’s going to be a fulltime job clearing that house.

I was a junior secretary years ago and part of my duties was to clean up the conference room after meetings. Those big heavy glass ashtrays would be full of butts and ashes. I wish I kept one for decoration, the amber gold ones were lovely.

Someone’s invitation to the wedding just got “lost” in the mail.

Oh my, not sure you want to know all the details. The police sketch looked exactly like her husband but with dark skin, she watched the older boy look back at her as the car rolled into the lake, she was having an affair with a male relative, she got caught having sex with prison guards. An ugly, sad saga all around.

My aunt was diabetic and had her leg amputated below the knee. Ever since I developed diabetes I’m paranoid about cuts and scratches getting infected because I don’t want to lose body parts.

Crying won’t get you out of a ticket. I got into a fender bender less than a month after my husband passed away. I was driving his car and wasn’t used to it. The cop wrote me a ticket, it was totally my fault but I lost it and told him my life story. He advised me to go to court and maybe I could get the fine lessened

Major stroke, immobile while everyone stands around him talking shit about him.

Love the colour, not the style.

Especially by the Rideau Canal with the Chateau Laurier in the background. They can be pretty spectacular.

The insults, the outright lies. Tearing up a kid’s report in front of him because it was 10 minutes late and then denying it. I so wish we have cell phones then. Sadly though I suspect that even with video evidence some teachers would still get away with their bullshit. Looking your way Mr. W. I still hate you.

A friend has one that he got as a wedding gift about 30 years ago and it’s still thriving. My local Chinese restaurant has a huge tank with a few in it and it’s relaxing to watch them and yes they do get big.

As Bill O’Reilly said: [getting killed at a concert/in your church/while minding your own business]... is the price of freedom.

Obamas: make it look natural and spontaneous.