
The first commentator who says, “Well, if you’ve got nothing to hide...” gets a hard punch in the face.

Feed the chicken!

I just know the chicken won’t be seasoned right.


As an aside, a friend was selling his PT Cruiser (don’t judge!) on CL. His ad said $2,000 firm, will not respond to lower offers and most of the responses were of the “will you take $1,000 or less” variety.

Ah yes, I recall now she was married as well. Wonder how that worked out.

A few weeks ago, I was waiting to make a right hand turn and the car behind me started honking his horn at me. I thought it was because I was taking too long to turn. Turned out I was trying to drive down a one way street the wrong way. The driver was good to warn me, but my initial thought was that the guy was just

What happened with his side-piece? Is she still in the picture? Because if he can get a job with Trump, then why not her?

You made me remember a story my MIL told me about working in an office during WW2. Whenever any woman had to search for files in their dark government building basement, one man was always lurking down there, staring at them and creeping them out. Sadly, it was considered normal and the women felt lucky(!?!) that he

Women will remember in November!

A friend was talking to me, her TEN yr old kid came up to her and stuck his foot out so she could tie his shoelace. She did so without a break in the conversation.

I just googled brigadeiro, holy heck, I know what I’m going to be doing this weekend, diabetic coma, here I come.

My sister got tired of being our mother’s servant that she snapped one night and moved out (she was 16 at the time) and went to live with a friend. My father was such a drunk, he didn’t notice she was gone for about a week.

That dog never got in trouble for pissing on the wrong wall.

Angelina Jolie; my guess is Roger Ailes

tl/dr: I respect you too much to treat you as equal.

Saturdays, because God said Sunday is for football.

Dear teenage boys: If at your tender age you are refusing to engage with girls because of “religious” beliefs then you are in for a long life of playing with your magic wand by yourself.

I always preheat because it gives me time to do other things, like cleaning up and making the sides.

Only if the chicken is pregnant at the time of cooking.