
Football is back, baby!

So Rapinoe can make her statement and bring all this attention to herself, but the team owner can't? Got it.

Not any more than she did. She’s entitled to protest if she’d like, but nobody’s obligated to give her a platform on which to do it.

I’m not sure if I’m supposed to be touched or turned on right now.

So now I don’t have to look at Jared Leto anymore. Please?

This doesn’t surprise me. As much as I like Margot Robie, Viola Davis, and Will Smith - I hate Jared Leto 1,000 times more.

Unbeknownst to everyone involved the media blackout has been going on since 1997, unless you have ESPN 8 “The Ocho”

If a WNBA player doesn't talk to the media will anyone notice?

What we’re saying is, ‘Black lives matter, too.’ Period.

As someone who is just *slightly* too old for Pokemon to be a just seems weird to me.

Tips for looking good naked

Men: work your delts, lats, back, belly, abs, chest, biceps, triceps, quads, glutes, and calves.

Ladies: just show up.

You know who looks great naked? Any woman that’s chosen to be naked in the same room as me.

Seriously. I feel like I’m going to throw up. That was incredibly disturbing tales and I am angry as hell at myself right now for defending this guy all these years. I honest to God thought he was innocent and yeah, I feel absolutely sick at the moment. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. I’m a complete asshole and wish I could take


Right? I feel like I could have lived the rest of my life just not knowing that information at all. :-/

Well, holy fuck.

Why did they cut it off before Putin comes up for air? smdh

I can't get over how gorgeous these two are. They look like movie people.

Right? Two hot people start making out, you rake that eye candy in - and this moron breaks it up?