
If he writes an article about why she is disliked that contained the word woman he would be evicerated here.

Update is all like:

Love this contest.

You’ve all got it wrong! The logo IS the body.

Throw in a baby changing station so that both moms and dads can use it, and it sounds like you have the perfect solution.

It’s not hard to adapt to a polyphasic schedule. I take three 6-hour naps every day and I’m fine.

HST would recommend swearing off wives and giving the booze a hug.

You are all free to find something intended as amusing either funny or not funny, humour is very much subjective.

I got the results back. I’m afraid the stick up your ass is permanent.

I get it. What exactly am I supposed to be ringing my hands over? And why, oh why, do any of you think entertainers are supposed to be better people than Joe Schmoe in a flyover state?

Fucking relax.

It’s exhausting being outraged all the time, and constantly letting perfect be the enemy of good.

anyone else just...really tired,

Konami needs to just die already tbh.

Your example doesn’t really fit the situation, so I’ll fix it for you. I’m walking down the street, you’re walking three inches behind me because you’re an idiot and don’t understand sidewalks. I stop for a tenth of a second because there’s a nail in the sidewalk, or a baby duck, so for a tiny fraction of a second, I

The brake checker feels the same way though. “Why is this person behind me willing to get into a high speed accident just to tell me he isn’t happy with my 15 mph over the speed limit”.

Not so wreckless this time

I would also add that “brake checking” is completely legal, while tailgating is often ticketed as “wreckless driving.” And yet we are scoffing at the law abiding citizen and feeling sympathetic for the aggressive dumbass? Clearly I don’t belong with this group of readers...

because they’re hyper competitive, aggressive assholes. They’re the same pricks who will speed up to get past you if you signal to change lanes ahead of them.