
Kotaku in general, and its writers in particular, exist in an incredible echo chamber. They create a particular reality for others to consume and then participate in it and promote it as THE reality. I think it started in order to create a somewhat consistent shared miniverse, but then it consumed them. Now, you read

high lord wolnir is universally regarded as one of the easiest bosses in the game. still impressive as hell, but your first sentence is misleading for dark souls noobs.  there are a lot of infamously hard bosses and this aint one of them by a long shot.

Shenmue/DS3/Evil Within 2

Wave Race 64's water effects were practically a generation ahead of the competition. It took a long time for the rest of the industry to catch up...and in that time a second Wave Race upped the bar again.

That’s some dedication.

Speaking of remasters... Bioware needs to remaster Mass Effect 1, 2 and 3 as a single updated game.

Hopefully they spent some time fixing the combat. That was the major failing point of the first game (which was, in every other way, charming as fuck)

Who is doing the berating, an anti-aircraft gun?

I figured he was trying to get his fingers sliced off so he could enjoy the taste of meat for once.

I’d try to trip the opponents too if lack of effort could easily result in my murder and the murder of my family.

Shhh, you’re going to make a lot of people realize that they have no real world skills.

This is as good a prediction as any, but you mustn’t be afraid to dream a little bigger - I’m psyched up for the nude enemies mod.

yes you can play as Reks now but is he CAPTAIN VON RONSENBURG OF DALMASCA

My money’s on Hamilton Nolan.

Underrated post

They get a kick back of the sales....they’re writing ads disguised as articles to pay for Hulk Hogan’s lawsuit.

Has ANY WWII videogame focused on the Italian campaign? Seriously! Your player character could be from the 442nd Infantry, which was made up almost entirely of Japanese Americans. It was the most highly decorated unit in US military history, earning 21 Medals of Honor and over 9,000 Purple Hearts in a unit of only

Karma is a bitch.