It’s not a discussion, it’s you talking AT me and not listening to anyone but yourself - which you basically said you do. So I guess kudos on doing the shitty thing you say you do. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
It’s not a discussion, it’s you talking AT me and not listening to anyone but yourself - which you basically said you do. So I guess kudos on doing the shitty thing you say you do. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I did read the rest of it. That’s why I said the statement about you could have simply led with that. The rest of that drivel is exactly the reason people don’t want to listen to each other when it comes to each other when it comes to race issues - black, white or otherwise.
I don’t hate white people. I just don’t want to listen to them.
And AnthonyIsMyPreferredCarter, you’ve just reconfirmed the reason I don’t give two shits now about ongoing talks about racism and have turned from being a concerned, supportive advocate to IDGAF about equality issues. In all the conversations I’ve had about racism, instead of speaking about issues in a nuanced way,…
Yes, me criticizing one specific person’s opinion means I was criticizing all black people. Nailed it.
The irony of this being written on Deadspin too- how many of these writers are or have actually been professional athletes? Wait, how many of these opinions are absolute dog shit then...
Did you not read the rule book.? White people haven’t been black, so they can’t talk about what a black person might experience. (Most) Men haven’t been women, so they can't talk about what a woman might experience. Apparently everyone has lived life as a white male though, so everyone can make whatever assumption,…
Yes, I do. As a minority, I understand that racism is a complex subject rooted in years of culture and is perpetually evolving, and that generally white people don’t have a great perspective of it because they rarely experience it firsthand.
Well I’m not white, so your criticism of my post is nothing but pure adulterated racism. And you can’t refute it because your skin is too light to have a valid opinion on the matter.
TL;DR Only black people are authorities on racism and any white person’s opinion on the matter is invalid.
In the realm of infinite artistic choices, I would not subscribe to the notion that sex appeal (to the mass market) does not — at least in part — explain Quiet’s character design.
They played us like a damn fiddleeeee
I say we hand her a rope and leave her alone in a room with a high beam for awhile.
Too bad Tony never developed a mutation that would make him immune to alcohol.
preferably with children.
Just found out my wife’s been cheating for eight fucking years. Marriage pretty much done. Haven’t pulled the trigger yet on divorce but kinda have too.
How’d she find out?
I cheated on my wife while she was pregnant — and please... yes, I know. It was the worst thing I’ve ever done and have raked myself over the coals a thousand times since.